
Saturday, May 11, 2013

In My Mailbox #80

I did get some of my missing pre-orders this week :) But not all of them. Sigh. I'm thinking of reading The 5th Wave on my iPad today, since I haven't gotten my hardcover yet, and I really really want to read it. Hmm. Yeah. I think I must do that :) Life with my kitten is going well. Except for the fact that they still aren't finished with building my apartment upstairs. Slowest, stupidest workers ever. Sigh. Still. I'm hoping they are finished soon, because I really want to sort all my books and stuff ;p Hih. Can't wait!
What did you get this week?

The Croods. I just have to have every different book edition of this amazing movie. Love it. Sigh.
The Program. I was worried about this because of reviews. Then peeked at ending. Not so worried :)
The Savage Blue. I do not understand why I bought this :( I wasted my money. I didn't like the first one.. And now having peeked at the ending for this sequel I remembered why. Gah. Should not have bought.
Sweet Peril. I can finally start this series, I think :) Happy with the ending, so I can't wait to read them.
Canon. Got a blitz (?) for my Canon EOS 550D in a birthday present :D I love it. It's pretty awesome.
Gullstruck Island & Verdigris Deep. I just had to buy these two, since I loved a book by this author :)
Hero's Guide 1 & 2. Gorgeous hardcover and paperback. Cannot wait to read book two :) Loved 1.
The End Games. I am excited about this book, although I failed to read my eARC.. Can't wait to read it.
If I Should Die. I might never read this series. But maybe someday. Still, the book is really pretty :)
Lyra's Oxford. Yeah. I need to read this short story soon. I just adore Lyra. But oh.. No Will :( Sobs.
My Blue Nose Friends. Heh. I'm obsessed with these plushes. And new versions of them :D Adorable.
Signed Going Vintage Bookmark. Won this bookmark and swag from Word Spelunking :) Adore.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Ahh Sweet Peril is so amazing! Hope you love the series. You will, of course. I have full faith in Wendy's writing, and in Kaidan of course ;)
    I can't wait to read The End Games and The Program, they both sound like amazing dystopians.
    Amazing haul this week, Carina. And it's great to hear your kitten is doing well :D

    My IMM

  2. I enjoyed The Program and hope you do too.
    Brandi’s mailbox

  3. PLUSHIES!! They are my best comfort after some damned cliffhangers Summer Next Top Story

    1. Pfft. Blogger refused to show the second part of my comment! *continues rambling*

      LOL at the peeking of The Program, I do that sometimes too because, um, I can't help it :P It helps me decide whether a book is worth reading, if that actually makes sense since I just spoiled it for myself. You really should read the Die For Me series, it's light and fun and so not what you would have expected!

  4. "The End Games" and "Lyra's Oxford" look quite haunting.

  5. Ahhh, Sweet peril!!! Remind me why I HAVEN'T gotten that book yet. I am. I will. Like now :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. Awesome mailbox sweetie! :) I hope your apartment will be ready soon! :) x

  7. YES to the program and the end games! I really want to read those two!

    awesome book haul,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  8. I'm reading Sweet Peril now and loving it! Hope you enjoy the series. AH, more Frances Hardinge books! It was because of your review of Face Like Glass that I requested it and got it this week!! I really enjoyed End Games---the writing style takes some getting used to, but I think it made the book even more unique!

    Great haul, Carina!

  9. The End Games sounds so cool, and I just love the cover. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that one!


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