
Saturday, May 25, 2013

In My Mailbox #82

Yeah. I haven't been able to read anything since I finished The 5th Wave almost 2 weeks ago. Although yesterday I did read two very, very short stories. Which were awesome. <3 Thing is, I want to read. I really do. I just feel that I don't have time anymore. After I got my kitten almost 5 weeks ago. After I moved upstairs 1 week ago. Still haven't unpacked. That will take forever. It's stressing me out a bit. But oh. I got three AMAZING print ARCs in the mail this week. Dying to read all three. Will start with These Broken Stars today, I hope :) Also got some amazing eARCs that I'm dying to read as well.
What did you get this week?

Reboot. Got a replacement, and this is pretty broken in the corners. Yet I love it so much. It's so good.
A Box of Gargoyles. I cannot wait to read this sequel! Loved book one. Hoping to read it really soon :)
The Ward. Won't read this for a long time. But glad it finally arrived :) It got missent to another land..
Impostor. Unsure if I will like this book, but I do kind of love the cover, so I just had to get it ;p
Shadowed Summer. I adore the author so much. So I just had to buy this really early book by her :)
The 5th Wave. Two different paperbacks. Amazing book. So perfect. These paperbacks are gorgeous!
These Broken Stars. Got this from the publisher :D Dying to read it. <3 So happy! Thank you :D
Alienated. Got this too from the same publisher :D It looks awesome! Thank you so much. <3
Monsters. Omg. Got this from publisher :D DYING to read it. SO excited! Thank you thank you. <33
Enchanted. I did love this book a lot when I read it ages ago. Gorgeous paperback. Dying for book two.
Unravelling. Had to own the UK paperback. <3 Getting the UK paperback of book two too :) Pretty.
Hopeless. Heh. I just needed to buy this book. I had to. Seen lots of people who loved it. Hope I do :)
Shadow and Bone. Got a damaged copy last week :( Was lucky enough to get a new one. <3 Perfect!
Code Name Verity. Gave this a four star, it was awesome. I needed this new paperback. It's gorgeous.
Wreck-It Ralph. Hiih, I didn't own this car yet in this special edition thing here in Norway :D Pretty.
The Memory of After aka Level 2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous bookmarks. <3 Thank you Lenore :D
Snow White & The Huntsman. Did not own the DVD/Blu-ray in Norwegian yet (A) Kind of loved it.

Rose Under Fire. Yeah. I cannot wait to read this one :D Wish there was romance.. but still excited :)
Secret for a Song - Mortality. A bit unsure about these. But oh. They looked really pretty :D Hih (A)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


Did you enter my INTERNATIONAL birthday giveaway yet? It ends in 8 days. One winner, who will get to choose between my all time favorite books. You all want to win that :D Enter HERE.


I was also a part of the Of Triton blog tour yesterday, where Anna Banks shared an amazing recipe and there is an awesome US/Canada giveaway via Macmillan :D Go enter that one HERE.


  1. YAY! You got Alienated and These Broken Stars as well! Alienated = sighhhh :)

    My blog name is in the back of Shadow and Bone's paperback! :D

    The Ward, in my opinion, was not so great. I love the cover, but the content was ehhhh. I hope you like it a lot more than I did!

    Hopeless is SOOOOOO good! If you haven't already read it, I hope you love it!

    Have a great weekend, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I've heard so many great things about These Broken Stars, so I'm excited to see what you think! Plus, Rose Under Fire seems fantastic, so enjoy!(:

  3. Oh so jealous of Rose Under Fire! I got declined for it. Great haul :-D

  4. OMG! SOSOSOSO jealous that you got Alienated!!!! :O It looks amazeballs. And All These Broken Stars!!! :D I love Unravelling. OOooOooo have you seen the UK cover for Unbrakeable? Ben looks so freaking hot. ^_^

    Anyways, enjoy all your books! And the movie.
    Sam @ Falling Books

  5. I enjoyed Reboot and hope you do too.

  6. Wow. What a great assortment of Books. Imposter looks great. Alienated looks so pretty and awesome. I hope you love all your new books.


  7. I'm so excited about Rose Under Fire! I can't wait to get started on that one soon. And I'm jealous that you have These Broken Stars! I've heard good things about that book already. Really hope you like it. :) I'm curious about Alienated too. Won't lie, mostly because of the cover. ;)

    Sorry that you've been a little stressed out recently! I hope you can find something great to read soon.

  8. These broken stars, that is awesome! And I really liked Enchanted :D Happy reading, I hope you can find the time to dive into them soon!

  9. ton of amazing books as usual Carina! I am really excited for These Broken Stars! It sounds fantastic! Don't worry about the not reading part, I haven't been reading much the last couple of days too. Stress is bad, so don't let it get to you :)

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  10. Been wanting to read Impostor! It sounds really good.
    And amazing haul you got this week! So many good book :D
    Hope you'll enjoy them :)

    Check out my STS too :

    Neysa Kristanti

  11. You got a copy of These Broken Stars? I am so jealous Carina! The cover looks absolutely stunning and the premise is to dies for! I can't wait to see how you find it! I also absolutely loved The 5th Wave, and I know what you mean I had the most toughest time getting into a book after I finished that! I hope you enjoy all your books! :)

  12. Look at all those awesome books! Yeah! I love the cover of These Broken Stars and I have heard good things about Hopeless. You are so lucky. :)

  13. I've got Shadow and Bone too! *Squeal* And I think Secret For A Song looks good. Enjoy all your lovely books!

  14. I have ,,These broken stars", finally! Just imagine, this book has been printed in my country in march 2016... It was worth of waiting.
    I love ,,Hopeless" and second part- ,,Losing Hope".
    Warm greetings from Poland.

    Eve (Li_lia) from


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