
Friday, May 24, 2013

Of Triton Blog Tour: Guest Post with Anna Banks + Giveaway

Today I'm a part of the Of Triton blog tour hosted by Macmillan. So excited about it! Because I adored Anna's books, Of Poseidon and Of Triton. I cannot wait for you all to read this awesome sequel. My tour post is a guest post with Anna, which is a recipe to Galen's heart :) I think it's amazing. Thank you Anna! And thanks to Macmillan Kids there is also an US/Canada giveaway at the end of the post, where you can win one paperback copy of Of Poseidon, one hardcover of Of Triton and one Of Poseidon bookmark. Which is an amazing prize that you should all want to win. Will you try out the recipe? :)

A Recipe for Galen

Humans have this adage that goes something like this: “The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean that guys want you to blow affectionate raspberries into their belly button (who knew, right?).  

It means that guys like food. I know. It seems too easy. But guys are simple creatures. Even Syrena guys.

So here is a recipe for Salmon Broccoli Soup.  Trust me, it will wow Galen. It’s something that Rachel whipped up for him one day, and he loved it. (Of course, you’ll have to find some way to get Galen to your house. I suggest promising you’ll babysit Rayna for a solid week if he will come over for dinner. But that’s just me.)


1 can (15 ½ oz) of boneless skinless salmon
1 pkg (10 oz) frozen broccoli florets
2/3 cup chopped onion
3 tbs butter
3 tbs flour
2 cups half and half
3 cups milk
2 chicken bouillon cubes
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp thyme
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper


Drain salmon, reserving liquid in a separate bowl.
Break salmon into small chunks with a fork.
Cook broccoli to package directions. Drain, then chop broccoli to fine bits.
Sauté onions in butter.
Blend in flour, reserved salmon liquid, half and half and milk, stirring and cooking until thickened and smooth.
Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot soup.
Add salmon chunks, broccoli bits, and seasonings.
Stir well, and heat through.

Humans will love this recipe with a fresh loaf of Italian bread. The bread will go untouched on Galen’s plate though.


Where to find Anna Banks:
Website - Twitter - Facebook

Of Triton:
Website - Goodreads - My Review

Where to pre-order Of Triton:
Amazon - The Book Depository - Barnes & Noble

Other amazing things that you must check out:

- Anna Banks will be on tour in June as part of the Fierce Reads Tour. Get all the info/dates:
- Of Triton is featured in our Spring 2013 Fierce Reads Book Trailer:
- Pre-order Of Triton  and Anna Banks will send you bonus content! Details:
- Become a fan of Fierce Reads on Facebook!

Of Triton Blog Tour Schedule

Monday 5/13

Tuesday 5/14

Wednesday 5/15

Thursday 5/16

Friday 5/17

Monday 5/20

Tuesday 5/21

Wednesday 5/22

Thursday 5/23

Friday 5/24


  1. I'm excited to read Of Poseidon. been putting it off for a while.

  2. I have been waiting for a time to finally get to read these books! I have has my eye on them for awhile, I guess it is fate of something right? :)

  3. I have read the 1st chapter sample of Poseidon and it left me wanting to read more, so I would love to win both:)

  4. I've read Of Poseidon over 5 times because it was just made of awesome! The post was funny and I most definitely will be trying out that recipe soon.

  5. Yes I have read Of Poseidon and I loved it and I can't wait to read Of Triton. The recipe sounds interesting I might give it a try. Thanks for the great post!!

  6. I have read Poseidon and I can't wait to read Of Triton! Thanks for the giveaway. I love the recipe too. <3

  7. I haven't read Of Poseidon yet but I'm dying to. The books sounds great and really interesting. That recipe sounds great, might have to try it out sometime :) Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I have read (and loved) Of Poseidon. I'm really excited to read Of Triton.

    And now I have to say that... none of the posts on the blog tour were bad, but... this was EASILY the best! I love the idea of book-related recipes!


  9. I haven't read the books yet, but I'm going to soon! I like that she gave a recipe out too. It's cute! I would try and make it, but no one in the family really like fish :0/

  10. I have read it! I'm definitely going to have to try that recipe :D

  11. The recipe sounds so good! I love fish and think this will be a nice way to enjoy salmon. :) This series looks and sounds SO good! Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. no i haven´t read but it is in my book list to read ... soon . jijij about your post it really good .. it make me want to read right no of poseidon and next triton .. ahhh i love romance and this kind of things
    thanks for the giveaway
    almendra in the rafflecopter

  13. I really enjoyed Of Poseidon, it was one of my favourites of 2012.

  14. I loved Of Poseidon. I can't wait for OF Triton!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I just read Of Poseidon recently, I loved it! I love the post, I'll have to try to recipe out some time.

  16. i haven't read the books yet, but i really want to!! thanks for the recipe!

  17. No, I haven't read it yet but it sounds AMAZING! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  18. Yes I have! I have a love and hate relationship with the cliffhanger! Thanks for the the giveaway! :)

  19. I haven't yet, but I've been wanting to. I will get to it eventually. :)

  20. I loved Of Poseidon so much! I read it in one sitting! the post is cool :).

  21. I won an ARC of Of Poseidon last year and have been dying for Of Triton to come out! Love the tour post - the hubs and I might have to try this for dinner one night!

  22. I havent read the books yet, but Ive been meaning to since Of Posidon came out! :D
    Mary G Loki

  23. I love the recipe that is awesome. I haven't read the books yet but it's on my list for this month

  24. I've not read it yet but I want to!

    My grandma would love that recipe for Broccoli & Salmon soup. I might have to make it for her =)

  25. Really loved Of Poseidon and hope to read this soon! Thanks for the chance to win!


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