Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #674

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The Last of Us meets The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes in this standalone dystopian romance about survival, sacrifice, and love that risks everything.

By encouraging massive accumulations of debt from its underclass, a single corporation, Caerus, controls all aspects of society.

Inesa lives with her brother in a half-sunken town where they scrape by running a taxidermy shop. Unbeknownst to Inesa, their cruel and indolent mother has accrued an enormous debt—enough to qualify one of her children for Caerus’s livestreamed assassination spectacle: the Lamb’s Gauntlet.

Melinoë is a Caerus assassin, trained to track and kill the sacrificial Lambs. The product of neural reconditioning and physiological alteration, she is a living weapon, known for her cold brutality and deadly beauty. She has never failed to assassinate one of her marks.

When Inesa learns that her mother has offered her as a sacrifice, at first she despairs—the Gauntlet is always a bloodbath for the impoverished debtors. But she’s had years of practice surviving in the apocalyptic wastes, and with the help of her hunter brother, she might stand a chance of staying alive.

For Melinoë, this is a game she can’t afford to lose. Despite her reputation for mercilessness, she is haunted by painful flashbacks. After her last Gauntlet, where she broke down on livestream, she desperately needs redemption.

As Mel pursues Inesa across the wasteland, both girls begin to question everything: Inesa wonders if there’s more to life than survival, while Mel wonders if she’s capable of more than killing.

And both wonder if, against all odds, they might be falling in love.

Format: 384 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: March 4, 2025 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

New book by Ava :D I so loved A Study in Drowning. And this new YA books of hers sounds all kinds of awesome. A little nervous about it, but I think it sounds great. And it looks pretty too. Hope to love it :)
What are you waiting for on this deadly Wednesday?

Saturday, September 14, 2024

In My Mailbox #671

Ohh. Another week gone by. I'm not sure where the time has gone. I have been a little better this week, but I still hurt everywhere. Ugh. But I managed to read a long book, which I loved. <3 And I have started re-watching The Lord of the Rings again, haha :D Halfway done. So I can re-watch The Rings of Power too, so I can finally watch season two. I'm excited. I took more photos for instagram today. So exhausting. But I managed it :) And a spa bath. Which I love so much. I cannot believe it is fall already. Sobs. I might take it down in just a couple of weeks already. Whaat. I hope it can be up until late October. Keep fingers crossed for me. But yeah. I'm doing okay. Tired and exhausted. But good. This week I'm waiting on Sea Swept :) And I shared my review of The Thirteenth Child. <3 So good. Hope that you are all doing well :)

Sword Catcher. Finally got to buy the Fairyloot edition :D Been wanting it for months. It's gorgeous. <3
A Crown of Ivy and Glass + Silver in the Bone + The Fate of Magic ARCs. Eee. Truly love this trade with Meghan. Thank you so much. <3 I owned the first two, but Silver is signed, ahh :D Excited about them.
Funko Europe. Yeah. More pop figures. I could not help myself. Two pokemon cats; had to :D Love Puss. Love the Aliens. I thought they were a bit more different.. but look very similar. Oops. I got the dinosaur chase. What. I wanted the regular, hahaha. So now I have to buy it too. But love this purple version too :) Failed at mystery mini, again. I just want that damn dragon from Shrek. Hmph. Also. Cutest little wallet :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Review: The Thirteenth Child by Erin A. Craig

It will be no easy thing to describe this book. Or how much that I loved it. Which was with all of my heart. Only thing that I wanted more of was the ending. I wish it had been a little longer. And yet it was also perfect at the same time. Oh, how beautiful and tragic this story was at times. Five stars from me. As I loved it so much.

There is so much that I want to write about this book. I shall try to control myself, ha. First, the writing was fully beautiful. I loved it so. And I had no trouble with connecting to the characters and the story. I also loved the world this book was set in, as it felt like the past, set in the time of kings and simpler times. I just loved it.

I very much loved how this book is told from the point of view of Hazel. A girl that I loved most of all. There is much to tell about her. She is small and full of freckles. We get to see her grow up. And I honestly loved it so very much. At first we get to know the story of her birth. How she was the thirteenth child of her family. How her parents wanted to get rid of her. Then how three gods came to them, asking to get her instead. They refused two. But accepted the offer from the Dreaded End. From Death. And so Hazel waited for years for him to come to claim her. He did not. Not for many years. And this was heartbreaking to read about. Hazel would have had it so much better with her godfather. But he was a god. Time was not the same to him. He was slow.

Getting to read about Hazel growing up was the very best thing. But it was also so painful. She was just eight years old at first. Her parents did not care for her. Pretty much neglected her. They were also poor, so it was not easy to feed a family of fifteen. But Hazel had it worst. She was the child meant for someone else. A God who had not yet come to claim her. And her parents did not love her. That hurt to read about. They were not kind. One of her siblings was sweeter, Bertie. I liked the small moments they had together.

There were just so many sad things from Hazel's life at age eight. Her mother not giving her a small slice of cake on Bertie's birthday, the day before her own. Hazel never getting a cake for her birthday. No one caring. Bertie noticed some things, but there was much he did not. And then he was taken away, sold to serve a different god. And Hazel was then alone. Before that, there was a moment when the royals came to their town, giving out coins. Hazel had a bad moment with that. I both liked it and found it sad and rude.

And then Hazel was turning twelve. Her godfather finally came for her. She learns to call him Merrick. The way he was described was a little creepy. Yet I loved it. And Hazel did not seem afraid of him. He took her away, to a different place called the Between. The home of the gods. In this place between the worlds he made her a small cottage to call home. She spent a whole year at this place alone, reading books Merrick had left for her, learning what she needed to become a great healer. I hated how he left her alone. Hmph.

After this one year he returns, and takes her back to the real world. Where she get an actual cottage. And gets her first real friend. And an actual good life to call her own. Sigh. I loved how happy she was. I also liked reading about Hazel and Merrick together. How they became like family, getting closer after a while. They had some arguments. But I liked how they cared for each other, though he wasn't there often. Hazel was gifted with help for her healing. She got a gift of knowing how to heal people, what they need to live.

For her first year, she is able to heal everyone who needs help. But then she turns fourteen and Merrick takes her to her first official death. Where she has to be the one to help them die, so they do not end up living longer and hurting other people. This scene was very hard for her. And I loved it so much, despite how sad it all was. Then Hazel is sixteen. And has a plan of getting married to a boy in her small village. Planning to never heal again, to live her life as normal. It does not go as planned. She's left heartbroken.

She then spends two years in the Between, trying to heal from her grief. I'm glad this was only a focus for a few pages, as it was pretty sad and depressing. Then Hazel turns eighteen. And she is done grieving. Ready to move on and live her life. Merrick returns her to her cottage. And she is right away swept away to the capital and the royals there. She has to learn of all the things she missed while she was gone for two years. The queen is dead. There is a sickness around, the Shivers. She has to heal the king from it.

But it is no easy thing when she arrives at court. She sees death when she tries to figure out how to heal the king. Meaning he is meant to die at her hand. But she can't let the king die. So she tries everything to save him. To save herself, as well. She ends up saving him. But not in the usual way. And gods, that hurt my heart. It was so much and so sad and I loved it. It made things complicated with Merrick, which I did dislike a little. But she learned from it as well, from the choices she had to make, what she had to give up.

There is so much going on in this book. It's such a long story. And I wanted it to be even longer, haha. I have already shared so much. Yet I am going to share a little more. I very much liked reading about this sickness. It was all kinds of awful, the symptoms. And I loved reading about it. It took Hazel a long time to try finding the cure for this disease. After she saved the king in a different way, she lost her gift of seeing cures for healing people. And so she had to find the cure for the Shivers all by herself. It took some time.

But oh, how I loved her life at court. She meets the prince. Whom she remembers from her childhood. He was not very nice then. But he seems different now. And at first she likes Leopold. But he could be a little rude too, so her feelings for him kept changing. But oh, how I loved this boy. And I loved getting to know Leo through this book. I loved how they started to become friends. And how they became a little more in such a short time. They were honestly perfect for each other and I just shipped them so very much. Sigh.

The other royal children were adorable too. The oldest girl seemed a little cold. But she and Hazel turned great friends, I think, and I liked her too. The youngest one was the sweetest, though. And I loved reading about her and Hazel together. They had some sweet moments. As Hazel had to stay at court after saving the king. He wanted her near. It took her a month to find the cure after that. Then Hazel turned nineteen. And then the story truly picked up before the ending. And what an end it was. It was so exciting and good.

Gosh. I have shared way way way too much about this book already. I just cannot seem to stop writing about it, haha. I just loved this story so much. And I have written much, yet there is still so much more to say about this book that I have not written down. It was so beautiful at times. Haunting. Sad. But hopeful too. I loved reading about Hazel's life, from beginning to end. She was such an awesome girl and I loved her so. And her life was all kinds of fascinating and exciting and interesting. I truly very much loved it all.

I was a little surprised that we saw so little of Merrick in this book. I thought he would have a bigger part. So I was a little sad that he was away for so much of the story. As I would have loved to read more about him. I adored him and Hazel together, their cute family relationship. Even though it was sad and difficult at times. I wish he had been there more. Sigh. But still. I loved the character of Merrick. I loved his purpose as Death. What we got to see of it. There were still many mysteries left that I also wanted to get to know.

The Thirteenth Child was every bit as special as I had hoped it would be. It was such a treasure of a book for me. I loved it so very much. It was both beautiful and sad and a little disgusting at times, haha. A little romantic too. I wish the romance had been a little bit more, but it was also enough. I did love this book so very much, but I did also wish for a tiny bit more. And yet it was all still enough, of course. I shall treasure this story always. It is a book that I would read again. Which is the best feeling. It was all kinds of special.

The biggest thank you to PRH International for sending me this gorgeous free ARC to read and review. I love it more than anything. So happy to add it to my collection. And I couldn't read this book fast enough. It is almost out, and I am getting all the finished copies as well. I'm so excited. Erin is such a great author and I cannot wait for her to write more fantastic books. This one was my favorite of her books so far. And you are all going to love it too. Such an exciting and sad and hopeful tale. And that cover is the very best.


Waiting on Wednesday #673

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

SEA SWEPT (Sisters Ever After #6) BY LEAH CYPESS

Goodreads Description:

The final book in the Sisters Ever After series of fairy tale retellings from the point of view of the siblings in the background, this is the captivating of story Daria and her older sister, Meria, who has left their life under the sea for a human prince. But when Meria needs Daria’s help, she must travel to the human world to save her older sister.

Daria grew up in Serema, an underwater city where merfolk and humans live together in peace. She’s not interested in life out of the water, unlike her older sister, Meria, who has fallen in love with a human prince.

Still, when Daria gets a distress message from Meria, she’s willing to trade her mermaid tail for legs if it means getting her sister back below the surface as fast as possible. Except Meria has vanished, and none of the humans will tell Daria where she is.

In the strange world above the sea, Daria will soon discover that she can’t trust anyone—and that whatever happened to her sister might happen to her next.

Format: 288 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: April 29, 2025 by Delacorte Press
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

This cover is just the cutest :D And ahh! Sixth and final book. And I have yet to read the first one. Oops. But I own them all ;) And I shall get to reading all of them after this one is come out. <3 Sounds adorable.
What are you waiting for on this captivating Wednesday?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

In My Mailbox #670

Ohh. Been so very exhausted this week. Slowly healing from having had corona a few weeks ago. I still get so very exhausted from just little things. Like taking new photos for instagram this week. It killed me for days, ha. Had a hospital visit yesterday, which was so beyond exhausting. I slept for eleven and a half hours this night. Ha. So yeah. I'm still pretty dead. But I'm doing better, I think. I got all the mail this week, ack. Love it so much. <3 I finished reading my book last weekend. Will be starting a new one tomorrow :) I cannot wait. Two new blog posts. I shared my review of Release the Wolves :) This week I'm waiting on For She is Wrath :D Hope you are all doing well. <3 I still can't believe it is fall already. I want more heat :)

The Enchanted Lies of Céleste Artois. I adore Ryan. This new adult book by her sounds pretty amazing.
Champion of Fate. Paperback edition has arrived. And it is gorgeous. Sigh. I loved this book so much :)
Funko Nordic / Funtastic Proxy. Thank you so much lovelies :D I love these princesses so very much. <3

Funko Europe. Help. Two orders. I could not stop myself, haha :D Love the two gorgeous journals. Had to get the new Stranger Things advent calendar; so excited about it. Love all the new The Lord of the Rings pop figures, eee :D New Pokemon. New mystery minis. Rare Princess, but rest are doubles. Sigh. Love my pins. And new Coraline :D Ahh! They are all gorgeous. I love them so. That little muppet is too cute :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #672

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A sweeping, Pakistani romantic fantasy retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo, where one girl seeks revenge against those who betrayed her—including the boy she used to love.

Three hundred and sixty-four days.

Framed for a crime she didn't commit, Dania counts down her days in prison until she can exact revenge on Mazin, the boy responsible for her downfall, the boy she once loved—and still can't forget. When she discovers a fellow prisoner may have the key to exacting that vengeance--a stolen djinn treasure--they execute a daring escape together and search for the hidden treasure.

Armed with dark magic and a new identity, Dania enacts a plan to bring down those who betrayed her and her family, even though Mazin stands in her way. But seeking revenge becomes a complicated game of cat and mouse, especially when an undeniable fire still burns between them, and the power to destroy her enemies has a price. As Dania falls deeper into her web of traps and lies, she risks losing her humanity to her fight for vengeance--and her heart to the only boy she's ever loved.

Format: 400 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: October 29, 2024 by Wednesday Books
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK and Waterstones

Another new author for me :) But I saw this book as a signed exclusive on Waterstones. And I could not stop myself from pre-ordering it, haha. I think it looks gorgeous. And sounds great. I'm hoping to love it :)
What are you waiting for on this wrathful Wednesday?

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Review: Release the Wolves by Stefan Bachmann

This was a book I learned about when I saw that awesome cover. And I couldn't help but get it. It also sounded just like a book for me. But oh, I ended up being very disappointed. Only two stars for this. I have a whole bunch of thoughts to share about this book. A quick read, which was a plus. Ha.

I shall start by mentioning that cover. One of the characters in the corner looks like a wizard. Which was a total lie, and is not an outfit that is in the book. And the tagline, the hunt begins at midnight. What. That does not fit with the book at all. I had no idea how old the main characters were. Weird.

I guess they were teenagers. But it was not mentioned how old. And at times the main boy felt like such a child, but in a bad way. I also feel more tricked by the cover. Seemed like there would be tons of monsters in this book. There wasn't. Only a few ones. But I will say that the monster parts were the parts that I liked most. Especially a scene at the start of the book, where a boy ends up tricked by the monster and a trap kills him. I liked that scene a lot, as it was brutal and made me think the book would be awesome. It was not. Yeah. I just felt so disappointed.. I truly had hoped to love it. But it was way too rushed. And the writing was not very good at all. I did not care for any of the characters. There was nothing to care about.

This book tells the story of Argo, a boy who comes from such a small village. He lives with his sister and their father. Whom is a mean drunk. His sister is sort of an outcast. Argo works at the smithy. His sister, Simna, knits. The book begins with Argo and some other kids going out on a hunt, to kill a stray monster that has been hiding for years. Except it was not old, but new. And more cunning. So one of them died. Simna's boyfriend. I felt nothing for this. Nothing at all. This book did emotions all kinds of wrong, sadly.

It could have been so much better. If it had any types of feelings included. But it did not. Sigh. I did not at all care for Argo. Even though he do spend a lot of this book crying. It just felt weird, considering we don't get to know anything well enough to actually care. This book takes place in a world that was changed by war ages ago. They are killed all the time, so their world is a small one. They aren't able to rebuild before most of them are killed again.  I thought this sounded so exciting. But it was sadly done too badly for me.

I just feel like this book could have been so much better. If it had been longer. If it had been written better. If it had more details, more about the world. If it had characters that I could actually care about. But it did not have these things, sadly. And it ended way too soon. This whole book was simply much too short. But I found the story of this world to be interesting. I liked learning more about why things were that way. But there was too little of this. Still. I liked the past, how they had been at war a thousand years ago and lost.

I liked learning more about how they were all almost killed again, about every century. How the monsters were just suddenly there, killing them all. How the monsters were of different types and sizes. I wished to know more about all that. But there was too little of it. Sigh. I wanted more about the trap in the marshes, as it sounded so very cruel and awesome. But no more information. Nothing more about the past. Or the future. This book was simply too short and had too little in it. I so badly wish I had loved this. But I did not.

The plot of this story is that Argo is now alone in village, after his sister left on a trip. He is getting a little suspicious about the elders of the village, about how things work. The bad guys were the Elduari. They came from across the sea. They were not like normal humans. They had some sort of magic. And they kill everyone who thinks about rebelling. And now they are after Argo. They kill his dad. Whom is never mentioned again, not once. Yeah. No feelings in this. I get that he was a drunk, but still. Zero emotions.

These bad guys are hunting Argo. He is running away, and ends up running with a girl, a monster hunter named Ana. Whom is actually a princess in disguise. She was supposed to be all badass and awesome. But I did not like her at all. I wanted to, but no. She wasn't written very well. And their sort of friendship was badly written all over. Sigh. I really wanted more from this story. And I'm not sure what else to write. Everything just felt off to me. It was not exciting enough or thrilling. It simply felt like a short story, to me.

I'm not sure what else to say about this book. Argo and Ana are running from the Elduari, whom wants to kill them. But then they want to kill them too. And take down their leader, I guess. Two very young people, thinking they are enough to change their entire world. Which could have been, had they been at least a little bit interesting. But they were not. Gah. I just wish I had cared more. But it was impossible. Release the Wolves sounded so exciting. But it was such a let-down for me. And I just wanted more of everything.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

In My Mailbox #669

I'm still fully exhausted. So going to keep this short. I'm better from having gotten corona two weeks ago, but I'm still dead, ha. I still get ruined from just doing the smallest thing. I'm hoping it will pass soon. Plus side, I started a new book yesterday. A short one. And planning a bigger one next week. I'm excited. Just also trying to take it easy, hoping to heal fast. I got some very lovely bookish mail. <3 And will be getting aaall the pop figures next week. Oops. This week I'm waiting on Heir :) Hope that you're all doing well. <3

The Girl With No Reflection. Fairyloot YA August book. <3 Curious about this one; book is all new to me :)
Long Live Evil. Fairyloot Adult August book :) I'm curious about this one too. It does sound pretty great.
The Thirteenth Child. EEEE! Thank you so much to PRH International for this free ARC gift. <3 I love it more than anything. Gods. I cannot wait to read this one. It looks perfect. So thankful. So happy. Eee :D
Clementine and Danny Save the World (and each other). Thank you so much Livia for signed copy. <3
Under the Surface. Both excited and nervous about this book. I have wanted this for so long now, haha :)
Lady Macbeth. And now got the US hardcover edition :) I think I must read this one soon. Hope to love it.
My Salty Mary. This one sounds all kinds of awesome. Forever behind on this series, but excited for this.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #671

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

HEIR (Heir Duology #1) BY SABAA TAHIR

Goodreads Description:

Prepare for the action-packed, ruthless, and romantic new fantasy from the #1 New York Times bestselling and National Book Award winning author Sabaa Tahir about love, legacy, and vengeance.

An orphan.
An outcast.
A prince.
And a killer who will bring an empire to its knees.

Growing up in the Kegari slums, AIZ has seen her share of suffering. An old tragedy fuels her need for vengeance, but it is love of her people that propels her. Until one hot-headed mistake lands her in an inescapable prison, where the embers of her wrath ignite.

Banished from her tribe for an unforgiveable crime, SIRSHA is a down-on-her-luck tracker who speaks to the earth, air, and water to trace her marks. Destitute, she agrees to hunt down a killer who has murdered children across the Empire. All she has to do is carry out the job and get paid. But then, she falls for a charismatic and inconvenient fugitive who keeps getting in her way.

QUIL is the crown prince of the Empire, nephew of a famed and venerated empress, but he’s loathe to pick up the mantle when his aunt steps down. As the son of the most hated emperor in the history of his people, he, better than anyone, understands that power corrupts. When a vicious new enemy threatens the survival of the Empire, Quil must ask himself if he can rise above his tragic lineage and be the heir his people need.

Beloved storyteller Sabaa Tahir masterfully interweaves the lives of three young people as they grapple with the burdens of power, the treachery of love and the devastating consequences of unchecked greed. Get ready for a dark and breathless journey that will captivate readers and that may cost these young people their lives―and their hearts. Literally.

Format: 512 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: October 1, 2024 by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

I got curious about this book when I saw many people wanting it. So I decided to pre-order it. And only just recently read the summary. It sounds great. But then I read a review. And this is a somewhat sequel series to An Ember in the Ashes? Ahhh. I haven't read those books yet. Oops. But I will. One day :) But I also then realized I couldn't read this book until I have read those. Ack. Still, keeping my pre-order of it :)
What are you waiting for on this treacherous Wednesday?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

In My Mailbox #668

Hi. Turns out it was corona I had gotten while I was in London. Uuugh. And so I have been sick this whole week. I'm not doing much better either. Thankfully only had a day of fever. But lost my taste and smell for a while. Mostly back now. But I'm exhausted and dead. This third time of getting corona ruined me a little. Having some trouble breathing, which I do not like at all. I'm hoping to heal soon. It's going slow. Sigh. So I have not gotten to do much this week. Just trying to take it easy, which is needed. Got some new pretty mail, eee. <3 Re-watched the Trolls movies so I could finally watch the third one. Which I really loved :) Such great movies. This week I'm waiting on When the Moon Hatched :) Hope you're all doing well. <3

Lady Macbeth. Waterstones and Goldsboro special editions :) Love. Gosh, I'm really hoping to love this.
Roar of the Tides. Finally managed to buy the hardcover edition of this one :) Will read it one day, ack. <3
Funko Europe. Gods. Finally the new Stranger Things came out. <3 I had to have them, of course :) I so love the new Max ones, eee. So precious. Failed at getting new mystery minis. Ugh. Love it all, even so :)
Funko Nordic / Funtastic Proxy. Ad | Eee! Thank you so much loves. <3 I so love all of these. Proxy have changed their way of being a little, but I'm still an ambassador, and I am so happy about it. Loved taking photos for these different fandoms. <3 Some of these will show up in future giveaways on instagram :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #670

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:


"A wild ride that thrills as much as it enchants . . . This remarkable book is an instant classic.” — Thea Guanzon, New York Times bestselling author of The Hurricane Wars

The bestselling phenomenon, When the Moon Hatched, is a fast-paced fantasy romance featuring an immersive, vibrant world with mysterious creatures, a unique magic system, and a love that blazes through the ages.

The Creators did not expect their beloved dragons to sail skyward upon their end. To curl into balls just beyond gravity’s grip, littering the sky with tombstones. With moons. They certainly did not expect them to FALL.

As an assassin for the rebellion group Fíur du Ath, Raeve’s job is to complete orders and never get caught. When a rival bounty hunter turns her world upside down, blood spills, hearts break, and Raeve finds herself imprisoned by the Guild of Nobles—a group of powerful fae who turn her into a political statement.

Crushed by the loss of his great love, Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown. Now on a tireless quest to quell the never-ebbing ache in his chest, a clue lures him into the capitol’s high-security prison where he stumbles upon the imprisoned Raeve …

Echoes of the past race between them.

There’s more to their story than meets the eye, but some truths are too poisonous to swallow.

“When The Moon Hatched breathes new, beautiful life into the genre, as Sarah A. Parker weaves lyrical prose with undeniable chemistry. I laughed, I cried, I got everything out of this. It’s an absolutely stunning fantasy world that everyone should sink their teeth into.” — Raven Kennedy, internationally bestselling author of The Plated Prisoner series

Format: 576 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: October 1, 2024 by Avon
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

I have seen this book everywhere. I only just read the summary, a few weeks ago, oops :) Even though I ordered myself the Fairyloot signed edition. I hadn't read what the book was about before doing that. But I do not regret it. Because it is gorgeous. Sigh. I'm unsure if I will love this book or not. I have pre-ordered the US edition as well. So I will be giving this book a try. Hoping that it is as amazing as everyone says :)
What are you waiting for on this vibrant Wednesday?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

In My Mailbox #667

I have made it back from London :D And I have a fever and am not doing too well. Sigh. But I had a great time away with my mom and sister. <3 But gods, it so was exhausting. My back was in constant pain. My feet too. Was too much walking. Too many people. Too little to buy. I didn't get a single thing from Disney Store. Aw. But did buy a few things. <3 But yeah. London was not worth it. And we will not be visiting ever again, haha. But we ate several Mr. Pretzels, which were just as delicious as they were years and years ago. And I loved the Taylor Swift Eras Tour concert, eee :D I loved seeing her live. <3 Sharing videos and such in my instagram stories in the next few days, when I'm feeling better. But I did not like how everyone was standing, so I had to stand too, to be able to see. As the guy in front of me was so tall. Sigh. I wanted to sit, because of my health. And so had to sit often, but wanted to sit all the time, and it was not possible. Hmph. It was a total nightmare to make it back to central London after the concert. Shudders. Thankfully made it without any issues, but it was a close call. It hurt so badly. But yeah. I'm happy that I was there :) Sharing what little I bought below, and everything I got in the mail while I was gone, oops :) Got back from London yesterday, which is also when I woke up feeling sick, after just three hours of sleep. So rude. And I'm feeling completely terrible. This week I'm waiting on The Bell Witches :) Hope you're all doing well. <3

Furyborn + Kingsbane + Lightbringer. Illumicrate editions :D They are perfection, eee. Love them so. <3
The Mirror of Beasts. Owlcrate edition. <3 Eee. It is so fully stunning. Sigh. I am loving it so very much :)
To Kill a Kingdom. Bookish Box edition. I had to get this precious. And it is fully gorgeous. I love it lots. <3
The Mirror of Beasts. Got my stunning UK paperback edition of this most perfect sequel. Sigh. Precious :)
The Mirror of Beasts ARC + EOS lipbalms + Marissa Meyer poster + Silver wallet. Eeee! Thank you so so much to Becky for helping me get all of this :D Love it all so. Thank you to PRH for the ARC of Mirror. <3 Love my lipbalms so much. And the Marissa pre-order poster of her boys :D It's so stunning. Love it most.
Funko Nordic. Eee! Thank you so much to Proxy Nordic for this most precious free ambassador gift.<3 Love the Deadpool pop figures and the Umbreon pop figure. Got some instagram photos taken today :)
Taylor Swift bracelet. Loved this that was given out at the concert; loved how it turned on on cue :) Cute.

Funko Europe. Yeah. I got a pretty big order. Love them all, haha :D Torch Freddy was not possible to remove from my cart, so will be selling him. Tried for more mystery mini Shrek to get the dragon. Still a fail. Cute mystery Disney animal pin. And just. Love all pop figures. Adorable from Up. Love Sylvester :)

London. Jurassic World mystery minis, eee :D Finally got some of these precious figures. Found them at Forbidden Planet. So happy. And new Coraline :D Did not own this version. Love her. Got some mystery Animal Crossing figures, too cute. And mystery Stranger Things, which are also adorable. Small toy too. Love my Chucky and Jaws duck. And Shimo toy; too cute. Love my Gollum duck as well. Had to get the two squishy gorillas, haha. Got two The Lord of the Rings items, notebook and card game. Love. Got a Disney mystery capsule; got Tinkerbell. Cute. Supernatural pins :D Love! That's all I bought in London. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #669

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:


After Emily’s father tragically dies, she is forced to live with the only family she has left, an aunt and grandmother in the heart of Savannah, Georgia in a house as beautiful as it is mysterious.

But all is not what it seems with the Bell family; they’re hiding a magical secret.

When Emily meets the alluring Wyn, she forms a connection that feels like it was always meant to be. As the spark between them grows more powerful, her life takes an exhilarating and terrifying turn; but every step closer to him, takes her a step further away from her family.

Emily will find out that blood is always thicker than water...


Format: Kindle Edition
Expected Publication: September 26, 2024 by Magpie
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK and Waterstones

I saw this book as a signed edition on Waterstones and I just had to give it a try, haha :D I have no idea if this book will be for me or not. It looks lovely. Sounds exciting too. I'm hoping that I will end up loving it :D Okay. Wait. I just read a negative review on goodreads, and I am not sure this will be for me at all. Sigh. But. I have my signed copy ordered, and I shall not cancel, so I will give this book a try one day at least :)
What are you waiting for on this alluring Wednesday?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

In My Mailbox #666

Three days until London! AHHH! Next week I will be writing all about it and sharing photos of all that I'll buy. I so cannot wait. Taylor Swift concert on the 15th. First a few days of shopping. <3 It will be me and mom and my sister. And I am way way way too excited :) It's going to be the best mini vacation for us. <3 But yeah. My health is still not very good. Medicine didn't help much. Sigh. So this week have been hard. But I did the same as last week, finished a book and started another and finished that too :) Now going to have a reading break, probably for around three weeks. Need some time for other things; I have a bunch of movies I want to re-watch, haha :) But yeah. This week have been good, despite my health. Spent lots of time outside in the sun. We have had such a lovely summer. Also got a bunch of lovely books, ack :) A bit too many, haha. But love them so. <3 A few new blog posts. I shared my second review of Champion of Fate. <3 This week I'm waiting on My Salty Mary :) I shared my review of Warrior of Legend :D Hope you are having the most wonderful week. <3 Have you seen the Eras tour or are going to in London? :D

The Night Ends With Fire + Sleep Like Death. Adult + YA July Fairyloot books :D They look so stunning.
The Mirror of Beasts. My regular US hardcover. <3 Arrived a bit damaged, though, ack. Still. Love it so :)
This Savage Song + Our Dark Duet. Eee! I love these Illumicrate special editions :D Had to get them. <3
Secrets of Blackthorn Hall. EEE! Love. Journal too. And some swag :D So happy I did the Kickstarter :)
Silver in the Bone + The Mirror of Beasts. Yesss. My personalized copies from The Poisoned Pen have arrived. <3 Thank you so much Alex :) I love them so. And Emrys and Tamsin art :D Ahh! And the coin!
Sword Catcher. UK paperback edition. <3 I have yet to read this book. Oops. I still need all the editions.
The Boy and the Heron. New Studio Ghibli movie. <3 I'm really hoping to love this one. Looks awesome.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Review: Warrior of Legend by Kendare Blake

Of course this sequel would end up destroying me. But I loved it with all of my heart. Five stars for this most wonderful book. But, yes, there were several parts that truly hurt my heart deeply. Yet this book was filled with everything that I wanted. And I loved it so very much. But yes. That ending is truly the meanest. Hmph.

I'm going to try my best not to share spoilers about this book. It will be hard, haha. As all I want is to talk about the romance and the ending and the hurt and ahh. But I shall control myself. And mention just parts of it all, ha. But oh, this book really made me feel everything. All the hurt. But all the joy as well. I loved it lots.

There is much to say about this one. I'm going to share a bunch, yet not nearly enough. As this book was long. And so fantastic. I truly loved it from beginning to end. Despite that ending. Hmph. It takes place one year after book one ended. Reed has already had three more heroes, leading them to Glorious Deaths. She is moving a bit too fast, trying to escape her broken heart. I loved how we also got to see Hestion and his broken heart, how he's not been doing well for the past year. I loved that, ha. There is so much happening in the beginning of the book. I shall not share it. But I loved how Reed and Lyonene switched heroes, in a way. With Reed taking her hero, to be a matchmaker, so Lyonene could be elsewhere. Everything went wrong. And I loved it, ha.

Because as Reed travels to this new place to play matchmaker for a princess, she learns her first suitor will be Hestion. Yeah. Drama will happen. And I loved it. I loved when they finally met after a year apart. Even though it hurt. Ouch. But I also just loved this whole world. I loved the magic of the Aristene. I loved how Reed got the princess to like her, how she liked her as well. I liked reading about all the daily things. How everything had meaning, how everything then went wrong. Everything about this book was amazing.

There was so much going on in this book. We see a little more of Sar, and oh, how I loved that funny and sweet boy. I want to see more of him, though. Especially after how everything ended, how he will have his heart broken, several times. I want to see it. Hmph. We also got to know the princess Yngarue so much. I was conflicted about her. But I grew to love her, somewhat. Her little brother was the cutest, though, and I do not want him to die from illness. How rude. But yes. I so loved reading about this different royal family.

We get to see more of the villain from book one, the bones of the prophet. We get to see more monsters. And oh, I loved it so much. It was truly horrible at times, all that happened. Yet it was fully interesting and exciting and I loved the plot twists. A small peek at the boy king from book one, whom I still adore. There is another war going on as well. I loved it all. It was thrilling to read about. I loved seeing the Aristenes at war and their horses too. The best warriors. Honestly just loved the entire plot in this book the very most.

The romance in this sequel was all kinds of wonderful. Well. At first it was all kinds of horrible, ha. Hestion still blames Reed for his brother dying. How she chose to have his brother die, to save Hestion. I am still mad at him not understanding it. But I loved this boy too much. Sigh. We get to see much more of him in this. Several points of views too, which I loved. I am still mad at him for sleeping around so much. Hmph. But he loves Reed. Despite the pain. Despite him taking a long time to show it. And oh, loved it so much.

They do have their troubles in this book. There were a few jealousy scenes that I did not like that much. But it was not too bad and it did not last, thankfully. They should stop being stubborn and just show how much they actually love each other. I will say that I very much loved the romance in this book. But I wish some scenes had been a little more detailed, ha. But it was also perfect. And I loved that it was there. I loved how Hestion changed, how he cared more for Reed. How he would do anything for her. How rude.

I cannot help but talk a little about Lyonene. She has spent the past year still with her first hero, Alsander. She should have left him right after the war. But she did not. And I did not fully get it, as I did not think she loved him. But I think she grew to love him more. Though I didn't truly like Alsander at all. Hmph. Lyonene deserved so much better. But oh. This girl. She made all the mistakes in this book. And it hurt my heart so much. She should have been smarter. She ruined too much. Sobs. Yet still loved her like crazy, of course.

We see so much of the other Aristene too. At first I hated Mol a little. But I grew to like her. We see more of Aster and Veridian together. I love Aster. A little unsure about Veridian, as she was a little crazy. But I adored her too. We see more of the elders, Ferreh and Tiern. I do not like them. Especially not after what happened near the end. Yeah. They are the rudest. Yet I loved reading about them. And oh. The horses. The Areions. I loved them so. Silco most. Loved when he tried to be sneaky in the barn. Made me laugh.

There was also Aethiel. The large warrior with the biggest heart. The one who used to be a queen. I must admit that I did not get it when I read Champion of Fate, ha. I was searching for what connected this story to Three Dark Crowns, to Fennbirn. It was Aethiel. It was made much clearer in this book. And oh, how I loved that. I loved learning about her past. I loved getting to know her more. Aethiel was the best. Always fun to read about. I loved how these books were connected in small ways. I want them to connect more.

Biggest thank you to the publisher, Quill Tree Books, for the auto approval on Edelweiss. I am so beyond thrilled that I was able to read this one early. I couldn't resist it when I saw it and had to read it right away. I'm so happy that I re-read Champion of Fate first, as I loved having all the details fresh in my mind. This truly was such an incredible duology. But oh, how badly I want there to be another book. It's all set up for one more. The publisher need to get it. I need it the most. So, please. Read this perfect duology of books.

Warrior of Legend was everything I wanted from the sequel to Champion of Fate. It was truly perfect. And I loved every moment. Well, probably. My heart was broken a bit too many times, ha. But gosh, this book was thrilling and exciting. I was nervous so many times, wondering what would happen. The relationship between all of the Aristene was the most beautiful. I loved how Reed and Lyonene loved each other like sisters. I loved the romance, despite how it broke me at times. But yes. This book is worth all of the pain.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #668

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Perfect for fans of The Princess Bride and A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, New York Times bestselling authors Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows are back with a fantastical, romantical, and piratical historical fantasy remix that marries the story of The Little Mermaid with the life and times of infamous lady pirate Mary Read.

Don't call this mermaid "little"—call her "captain," unless you want to walk the plank.

Mary is in love with the so-called prince of Charles Town, except he doesn't love her back. Which is inconvenient. Since she's a mermaid, being brokenhearted means she'll—poof!—turn into sea-foam.

But instead, Mary finds herself pulled out of the sea and up onto a pirate ship. To survive, she joins them. But Mary isn't willing to just sing the yo-ho-hos. She wants the pirate life, all of it, and she's ready to make a splash . . . by becoming captain. But when Blackbeard dies suddenly, Mary has a chance to become so much more: Pirate King . . . or Queen. She won't let anyone stop her—not Blackbeard's cute son, not her best friend from back under the sea who's having a bit too much fun with his new legs, and certainly not everyone who says she can't be a pirate just because she's a girl.

She may not be the best man for the job, but she'll definitely prove that she's worth her salt.

Format: 448 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: August 20, 2024 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

I am so far behind on these amazing books by these three lovely ladies. I loved My Lady Jane. And I do own them all, of course :D Will catch up one day soon. But eeee. This newest one sounds aaamazing :D I love that it is a little mermaid retelling, sort of. It sounds different and so good. I think I will love it lots. <3
What are you waiting for on this salty Wednesday?

Monday, August 5, 2024

Review: Champion of Fate by Kendare Blake

Of course I was going to read this precious book again before I start the sequel. Even though it has been less than a year since I read it. But oh, how badly I loved this book back then. And so I had to read it again, so I would remember the small details. I am so glad I did so. As I loved this book just as much this time, eee.

But yeah. It also ruined me just as much, even knowing all of it now. The end of this book hurts so much. I'm so nervous about book two. Yet I cannot wait to start it next, as I know it's going to be amazing. Even with my broken heart. As I always say, I shall not write such a long second review. But I always fail at it, haha.

I probably will this time too. As I feel like I could write about this book for all ages. The writing was every kind of perfection. I had no problem at all with falling in love with the characters and this world. Most of all with Reed, the main character. She is sixteen years old. So young, yet so old in spirit and heart. She has been through so much. The book begins when she is eight years old. We get to witness her village being murdered, her mother dying in front of her. And all of this truly broke my heart. And I loved it the most. Little Reed was fully adorable. She was fierce and rude and broken and I adored her to pieces. It's a short moment, but I loved it so. As we got to know her so well from this beginning. She was kept as a sacrifice. Then saved by two Aristene.

Which is what this book is about. An order of warrior women. And oh, how I loved getting to know all the details and how it all worked. I loved the hidden city of Atropa. And I loved to hate the Elders, Tiern and Ferreh, haha. I so loved Reed's mentor, Aster. And her partner, Veridian. I loved how the magic worked, how it made them stronger and able to fight. I loved how the order of warrior women were tasked with making a hero. Boy or girl. Getting them to glory and victory. Honestly, I loved every part of the Aristene.

But this book is about Reed. And her journey of becoming an Aristene. Reed was rescued by Aster and Veridian when she was eight. And so for the past eight years she has been an initiate, training to become an Aristene when she is ready. I loved reading about her at the summer camp. How she was training with Gretchen and Lyonene. How close these three girls were. I loved it so. It broke my heart when Gretchen decided not to join them after all. I loved her so. They were such great friends and I loved that the most.

Of course, Lyonene made me a little angry many times too. As she and Reed are going on their Hero's trial, the final test before getting to be an Aristene. They need to raise their hero to glory. And they are tasked with boys in the same war. And so they get to stay close. And I honestly loved that. Lyonene did annoy me at times. I felt like she felt that Reed was less than her. And how she was the cause of Silco being hurt. That still made me cry. And yet. I loved Lyonene the most. And she loved Reed so much too.

Anyway. I'm already writing too much about this book. Too many details, ha. I just cannot stop myself. I loved this book to pieces, this second time too. It hurt me just as much. Again. How rude. And yet I loved it so much. Sigh. Other characters that were amazing. Sar. Reed hated him at first. But she grew to like him. He was adorable. Prince Ostar was an interesting person, I liked him. His little brother Oren was a pain. I adored him, ha. Their father, King Oreas, was the actual worst. Yet fully fascinating, in some way.

There is so much that I loved about this. I loved how it was mostly about a war. How Reed and Lyonene was trying to win it, for their heroes, Hestion and Alsander. How it was all fully complicated. And yet it was so exciting at times. I just loved it so much. I loved the romance with Reed and Hestion. It was supposed to be forbidden. But she had loved him for years, for reasons. And they were simply perfect together. But I did feel that his past was a bit too much, ha. Yet I thought they were right for each other. My poor heart.

I loved that Reed was tall. And strong. And soft. I hated how she felt different at times, because she was tall and strong. I thought she was so beautiful. And amazing. And I loved her to pieces. Sigh. She was the best main character. And just, honestly. The sisterly relationship she had with Lyonene was the best. Yes, they argued a little, but they were the best together. I hope to see more of it in book two. Okay. Not going to say much more of the book now. I have written too much yet too little. Just. Everything was perfection.

I can't help but mention that ending again, ha. It is both awesome and heartbreaking. First the end of the war. It was such an epic final fight. I loved it. But it did not end all that happily, not for Reed and Hestion. And that hurt me. How hurt he was. How angry. How he did not understand. Hmph. But I did get it too, of course. I hope it will be solved in book two. Fingers crossed. Then the end with the Aristene and Reed. It felt a little rushed, what she did. I'm a bit sad about it, yet I loved it. Cannot wait to see more in book two.

I do not understand why more people have not read this book. As Champion of Fate is truly perfection. It has everything. It is filled with sisterly love. Full of war and adventure and excitement. Full of death and a horrible enemy. It has a small romance which is the cutest thing. I ship them most, even after that ending. Hmph. It's full of twists and secrets. Some of the most amazing woman warriors. I so loved reading about them. It has horses. Me, not even a horse person, love them. This book has it all. And I adore it so much.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

In My Mailbox #665

10 days until London. <3 This have been an exhausting week. I'm still hurting all over. Sigh. Rude. But got medicine yesterday, so I'm still hoping it will work this time, so I will hurt less while in London :) But I kind of doubt it. Hmph. But yeah. I'm tired. And hurting. But doing my best even so :) I finished reading a book this week, and started another one. <3 Got some stunning mail too :) I shared my review of The Girl Who Kept the Castle :) And this week I'm waiting on Unlock the Dark :D Hope you are all doing well. <3

When the Moon Hatched. Fairyloot edition. I have no idea yet what this book is about. Whoops. But then everyone was trying to get a copy of every edition. So when I had the chance to buy this, I did. So pretty.
The Mirror of Beasts. My UK hardcover edition. <3 Which is stunning :D Cannot wait to get all my copies.
Crocs. I can only wear crocs. And glitter crocs are the prettiest. I was so happy that I found these; love :D
Funko Europe. Oops. New order had to be placed. I had to have these SDCC specials :D Love Baymax. Love my Stitch wallet. Love my Wednesday and Enid. And love 001. And I just love everything, haha. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday #667

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Perfect for fans of Brigid Kemmerer and Lexi Ryan, this debut romantasy stand-alone novel blends an immersive world, unique magic system, and swoon-worthy romance to create an unputdownable read that explores the great and terrible lengths to which love compels us to go.

Elia Tallis’s key conjuring abilities, when used with her father’s magic, allow her to open a path to any location. But Papa is dying, and Elia has been forced to painfully tether him to life so she can siphon his magic to provide for her siblings. The god of death, angry to be denied his due, punishes her by claiming her youngest brother as a servant.

Desperate to save her brother, Elia accepts a potentially deadly commission from Trys, a kindhearted prince with his nose stuck in a book. Trys wants Elia to help him find a legendary scroll. In exchange, he’ll give her his hand in marriage, securing her and her siblings’ futures and allowing her to release Papa to the afterlife.

Despite the danger of their quest, Elia and Trys find themselves increasingly drawn to each other. But when Trys finally reads the scroll, it transforms him into a monster beyond comprehension. Elia will have to wield her power in ways she never thought possible, braving a world of endless darkness and the nightmares dwelling within it to bring home the prince she’s growing to love.

Format: 352 pages, Hardcover
Expected Publication: February 25, 2025 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order: Blackwells and Amazon US and Amazon UK

I have been seeing this cover several times. It got me curious. And ohh, it sounds pretty awesome :D I do think this will be a book for me. I'm going to give it a try, at least. And it looks so stunning. Love the cover.
What are you waiting for on this magical Wednesday?

Monday, July 29, 2024

Review: The Girl Who Kept the Castle by Ryan Graudin

This book was too cute for me to not read it the moment it came out. It was such a cute read. I enjoyed it so much. But I also had a few issues with it, so a three star for me. But there were parts that I really loved. And some parts that were a bit meh. Overall this book was great and I can't wait for the second one to come.

I shall start with the writing. Most of the time is was pretty great. But there were times it was a little too silly for me, even though I love middle grade books. And I very much disliked the overused exclamation mark. This was in another middle grade I read too, and I can't stand it. As there was no need for it most of the time.

This was very much a magical book. Which I really loved. I liked learning about the world this took place in. There is a kingdom in the middle of the land. And then there were four wizards keeping everything together. In the North and South and East and West. This book tells the story of the castle of Wizard West. I also just enjoyed getting to know more about this place. Their world was not very large. As there were storms across the oceans, making it impossible to cross. Hoping there will be more of that in book two. But I loved this world of magic. There was a big dragon, Neil the compost dragon. He was adorable. There was a talking cat, Puck. I loved him too. Though he was a bit weird too. I liked the other characters who worked in this castle too, the little we got to see of them. I also loved the way magic was done in this.

This book tells the story of Faye. She is the daughter of the groundskeeper in the castle of Wizard West. She is a maid, making sure it all runs well. Taking care of messes and doing pretty much everything else. I loved Faye. Most of the time. She was pretty much adorable and I enjoyed reading about her. I wish we had gotten to know her a little better, though. Felt like the book was a bit too short, a bit too little about the actual characters. As I could have loved her more. But she was awesome and I did adore her a whole lot.

The book begins with Wizard West being dead. And not knowing it himself, as he is now a ghost. Faye is tasked with telling him. Which ends up with him turning her halfway into a cat. I wish there had been a bit more about what she looked like, as I found it pretty adorable, though Faye did not agree at first. Things get complicated when the wizard is dead. As he's the one keeping the castle standing once a month with a spell. And now he can't do this. And so he decides to host a tournament to look for a new Wizard West.

Which is what this book is about. Trying to find the next boy to take over the castle, keep it safe. As it has begun to fall apart. I found all of this to be a little weird, honestly. I did not like the actual tests that West came up with. But it was interesting enough to read about. And of course there was one mean boy, out of the ten that was competing. I found him boring. He was supposed to be mean and cruel, but I thought his comments were a bit too tame. But he was mean enough. Though, well, I just wish he hadn't been there.

We did get to know two other characters, though. The royal twins. Prince Max and Princess Illian. They became friends with Faye right away, as Illian liked her. And I did like the twins too. But I felt like I got to know them a bit too little. I wanted to know more. I wanted them to hang out more, have some fun. But they were cute enough. Max is competing to become the next wizard. Though he doesn't want to. Girls are not allowed in this world, because of an evil witch over two thousand years ago. It was a little weird.

Because I forgot to mention it, I have to add it on. I did not talk about Wizard West at all. He was over two hundred and fifty years old. Then he died in his sleep. He seemed pretty self-centered and not very nice at all. He never remembered what Faye was called. And he seemed to do nothing at all. But he got better, I think. I started to like him as well. He was a pretty good person, after all. Despite now being dead and a ghost. Faye is also now a part of trying to change the world for the better, changing laws. I liked that a lot.

But I did like the plot of this story. I liked the world. And I adored most of the characters. I just found this book to be a little meh at times. Wanted it to be more epic, more exciting, more feelings. It was simply a bit too little for me. But I did enjoy it. And I'm glad that I read this. The Girl Who Kept the Castle was an adorable read. Not perfect for me, but fully great even so. I really liked Faye. And I so can't wait to read more about her in book two. I also liked the creatures in this book. Hope there will be more of them too.

Goodreads - Blackwells - Amazon US - Amazon UK