Saturday, August 31, 2024

In My Mailbox #669

I'm still fully exhausted. So going to keep this short. I'm better from having gotten corona two weeks ago, but I'm still dead, ha. I still get ruined from just doing the smallest thing. I'm hoping it will pass soon. Plus side, I started a new book yesterday. A short one. And planning a bigger one next week. I'm excited. Just also trying to take it easy, hoping to heal fast. I got some very lovely bookish mail. <3 And will be getting aaall the pop figures next week. Oops. This week I'm waiting on Heir :) Hope that you're all doing well. <3

The Girl With No Reflection. Fairyloot YA August book. <3 Curious about this one; book is all new to me :)
Long Live Evil. Fairyloot Adult August book :) I'm curious about this one too. It does sound pretty great.
The Thirteenth Child. EEEE! Thank you so much to PRH International for this free ARC gift. <3 I love it more than anything. Gods. I cannot wait to read this one. It looks perfect. So thankful. So happy. Eee :D
Clementine and Danny Save the World (and each other). Thank you so much Livia for signed copy. <3
Under the Surface. Both excited and nervous about this book. I have wanted this for so long now, haha :)
Lady Macbeth. And now got the US hardcover edition :) I think I must read this one soon. Hope to love it.
My Salty Mary. This one sounds all kinds of awesome. Forever behind on this series, but excited for this.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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