
Saturday, November 11, 2023

In My Mailbox #627

Ohh. I'm exhausted this week, haha. I got all my Christmas decorations up this week :D Eee. And it is all so beautiful. Sigh. And there is snow outside, so it looks extra cozy, haha. Christmas is the best time. <3 And I read a new book this week. Another five star. What even! I have read ten new five star books this year, eee :D I am very happy with that, ha. Might to a re-read of The Scorpio Races next, though. I got a little more books this week. <3 Though no pop figures. Buut. I placed an order a few days ago so getting some next week. Oops. I just had to, haha :) I also got my fifth corona vaccine this week. So I have been aching because of that as well. Well. On top of everything else. I hurt so badly lately. My arthritis is very bad and everything hurts. Ugh. But I'm dealing with it :) This week I'm waiting on The Thirteenth Circle :D And I shared my review of A Study in Drowning. <3 It was so good. Sigh. Hope you are all doing well. <3

The Forest Grimm. Eee! Second official Fairyloot. <3 Love. Have the regular edition too. Reading soon.
A Crown of Ivy and Glass. Ahh! Bookish Box version. Cost me so much. Oh. But it is so gorgeous. <3
Lore Print. Eee! Finally managed to get the Fairyloot Lore print, from depop :D And it is perfect. Love it.
Artifice. I am so very excited about this book. I love the books I have read by Sharon :D It seems great.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: The Graphic Novel Part 1. Of course I had to get this, eee :D Looks stunning.
Switch Games. Oops. Two new ones, ha :D I just had to get the new Jumanji and Wario Wave: Move It.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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