
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Review: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Of course I had to read The Scorpio Races again this November. Now for the 13th time. It is impossible to not love this story. Even though I always worry that maybe this time I shall find some flaw in it. But I never do. I truly love every part of this book. Which is rare. This is the book of my heart and it means everything to me.

I have shared my love for this book over ten times. I have most likely shared everything there is to share about it, everything that I love about it. And yet I'm still writing new reviews. I still need to put down all my thoughts after reading it, to say how badly I love this story. How badly I adore Sean and Puck and Corr. My heart.

There truly is very much I could say about this. Of course I have already said it all, ha. But I still wish to share more. Though, yes, there is a big chance that I will be repeating myself from previous reviews, as I don't read them again. But still. This book is beyond precious to me. If you still have not read it, you are truly missing out on the best. The writing is stunning. The world is incredible. I love how it takes place on a small and deadly island in the sea. A place filled with deadly water horses around them. They come up to land around November each year, hungry. I so love this. It's such a unique story and I love it to pieces. The part about the horses are always so interesting. And I loved how special this island was. So precious. It's a book filled with magical horses, in a way. A book with the best characters. And a most exciting story.

What is the heart of this story is Sean and Puck. And how badly Sean loves his water horse, Corr. Which he should probably not do, considering all the water horses are beyond deadly and dangerous. But he's had Corr for years now. He knows him. And Corr knows Sean too. And their special bond is what makes this book so very good. I just. I cannot. It is precious. And also Puck with her regular island horse, Dove. She truly loves her as well and I loved their scenes together. Also love Finn and his barn cat, Puffin, ha.

I shall say a little bit about the characters this time. Puck lives with her younger brother Finn and her older brother Gabe. Both their parents were killed out at sea by the water horses a year ago. They are trying to survive by themselves, but it is so not easy. They barely have enough to eat. And then suddenly Gabe is leaving them, moving away from the island. So Puck says she will race in the deadly Scorpio Races, so he will stay a little longer. Then she finds out they will lose the house too. So she needs to win the money.

And this is what the Scorpio Races is about for Puck. Saving their house, trying to get more time with her brother before he leaves, which isn't easy. I still do not like Gabe. But I did understand him too. At least Finn is always fully adorable. And I fully love reading about Puck and Finn together. Best siblings. Just trying their best too. I so love reading about the three women in their lives, Dory Maud and Elizabeth and Annie. I love how they care about them, in the way that they can. I also liked getting to know about Peg.

Then there is Sean. He lost his dad to the races nine years before. And has lived in a small room above the stables to the man who owns most of the island and own the best horses. He has worked for him all that time, won the Scorpio Races four times since then, with Mr. Malvern taking most of the money. I very much did not like this man. Especially his son, Mutt. I always hate reading about that evil boy, haha. His dad too. Ugh. But yeah. Sean just wants to buy Corr, whom Malvern owns. He needs to win once more.

And that is what this book is about. The Scorpio Races. Puck is racing to save her house. Sean is racing to at last get to buy Corr, his heart. But it is no easy thing. Because this is a race of men, a race of only deadly water horses. So Puck is the first girl. And she is racing with her regular horse too. And oh, how much I love this story. I just cannot. I have shared too much. I just love it all so much. I love how they ride together. I love how they spend time together. I love the november cakes. I love every small detail. Sigh.

I have never cared for horses. And there are a lot about horses in this book. And I found all of this to be interesting and exciting and I loved every part of this story. Mostly because of how much Sean and Puck care for their horses. It is what made it interesting to read about them. Like the scene where Sean dives after a colt into the water, trying to save it. That scene always ruins me. Or when he finds the hurt water horse in the stall near the end of the book. It is the worst. It's so much better, because of how Sean cares.

So yes. This book is about the horses. But it is more about the people and their struggles and their hopes and dreams. And oh, how badly I love reading about Sean and Puck. Sigh. Still very much want a sequel. Of course there does not need to be one. I already feel certain about what comes next. But I badly want to read about it. It would bring me so much joy. Sigh. But even so. Re-reading this book again and again brings me joy, as this book is truly perfect. Okay, there could have been a little more of the romance, ha.

But there did not need to be either. As there is romance. And it is everything. The way Sean and Puck starts to care for each other is the very best part. Reading about their friendship was the best. And then it growing into more was truly perfect. I just shipped them very much. They fit together perfectly. It always annoys me how people around them said that Sean was not right for her, because he cared more for the races. And that was not who he was at all. How rude. Puck did not care, of course. She liked him anyway.

I have already said more about this book this time than I had planned to. And yet I have not said nearly enough. But I shall stop for now. I just. I'm so glad that The Scorpio Races is still precious and magical to me, over ten years later and now thirteen reads of it. I honestly love this book more than any other. It is the book I will read again and again and always love it. But yes. I do want more. And I will always want more, haha. I just want more of Sean and Puck. Sigh. They are perfect. Now. Do read this book already.


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