Saturday, May 20, 2023

In My Mailbox #602

This week went by too fast. I have not gotten much done at all. Oops. Been busy watching some movies, ha :) And just taking it easy. My bump is finally healing, after I had to stab it three times. Sigh. But it feels better, finally. Though I'm still exhausted. But I'm doing better, at least :) Still have not managed to read anything, though. Aw. But hoping to get started very shortly, I know what I'm reading. I did get a bunch of great mail, ha :) More pop figures, oops. <3 Always love my mail. I must begin to control myself, though, ha :) This week I'm waiting on Bee Bakshi and the Gingerbread Sisters :D Hope you are all doing well. <3

ARC trade. EEE! Thank you so much God of Wax for trading these with me :) I love them all so, so very much. And the biggest of thank you to Becky for helping me get them. <3 And the SGE keychain, eee :D
Funko Europe. Oh. Another very big order. Ahh! I had to get all of these. Sigh. LOVE that Stitch, eee. He is so very cute. Love my Smeagol. My Eeyore. My Peter Pan. Got the regular Bruno soda at last :) But still not the chase of Ursula. Aw. But I shall try once more even so, haha. More mystery minis, too many doubles. Oops. Yet I still buy them. Sigh. I want the last three Stranger Things that I am missing. Hmph.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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