
Saturday, October 29, 2022

In My Mailbox #573

This has been a busy week. Gosh. I read a book, at last :) Took me a few days, though, despite it being short and easy to read. Oops. Took a few new instagram photos too, to be shared later :) It was medicine week too, which sucked. But done with for now, and hoping my health may finally improve. Ha. A dentist appointment too, so expensive. And bad news too. Suuucks. It's been a busy week for me. Honestly, just playing animal crossing new horizons daily, and pokemon go, and animal crossing pocket camp several times a day, it takes up my whole day, haha :) So I barely have time for anything else. It's rude. Hoping to be able to do more soon, though. I need to play the new Mario Rabbids already. <3 Tomorrow, hopefully :D I'm waiting for November to begin. This year I will be re-reading The Scorpio Races again. <3 I cannot wait. Ahh. And Christmas will come up around mid-november. I'm excited :D First Halloween, though. <3 But.. well. It's just a normal day for me, haha :) But love having my ornaments up. <3 Anyway. Got some lovely mail. All awesome. I shared my review of A Breath of Mischief :D This week I'm waiting on Cut! <3 I shared my Eleven Years of Blogging post :D Ahh! I hope you are all doing well. <3 Happy Halloween :D

Poster Girl. Yay for new book by Veronica :D And adult too. I think it sounds and looks pretty awesome.
Malice House. I'm pretty excited about this one :D Read a bunch of books by Megan. Hope to love this.
Greywaren. UK paperback has arrived. <3 So far behind on this series. Ahh. Hoping to catch up soon :)
Museum of Magic. Some gorgeous swag arrived from Beth Revis, eee. <3 Also can't wait for this book :)
Nintendo Switch games. I'm so excited about this new Mario Rabbids game :D The other looks great too.
Pop Figures. Got some free vouchers to use, and got these for free :D Love them both. Hogwarts! Eee.
Stitch Light. I may have seen this months ago while ordering pop figures, and had to get it. Oops. Cute :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

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