
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Review: The Ones We're Meant to Find by Joan He

There is so much for me to love about this book. That cover is beyond stunning. There has been artwork shared that killed me with beauty. And so I knew I would end up loving this one. Also because I adore Joan and her first book. It was such a stunning story of two sisters, living in a floating city, set far in the future.

I loved this world that Joan created. It is science and the future and the world ending. Natural disasters killing almost everyone, because of what humans did to this earth. It is the story about Cee and Kasey surviving in their floating city. Or trying their best to. There is so much going on in this book. Loved every moment.

The writing was pretty much perfect too, and I loved that. I felt connected with these characters and I adored them so. Though they also ruined me most of the time. How rude. They were two sisters. Alike, but fully different. The beginning of this book is not easy to completely understand. The book is told from both point of views. We begin with Celia. Whom we learn has been alone on an island for the past three years. Then there is her sister, Kasey. It has been three months since her sister went missing. So we get to see from both sisters, at different times. We get some memories of them together, and I loved that so much. Wish we had gotten more of them together, though. Yet reading about them apart was all kinds of stunning. As I grew to love them so.

There is so much going on in this story. I shall not spoil anything big. Simply sharing my thoughts about certain things. This is a story about two sisters. A story about an earth that is dying. And how one sister might be able to save those who are still alive, if she wants to. We get to know them both so much and I adored them so. We get to see so much of Cee and her abandoned island. It was heartbreaking at times. But so very good and I loved it the most. She had a small bot with her, but not one she could truly talk to.

And we get to see a lot about Kasey and her life while living in the floating city about the sea. Where she shares about the failing earth and how no one knows how to save it. How she misses her sister, yet how she does not feel the same as everyone around her does. She was different. And I liked her very much. I may have loved Cee and her island life the most, but I loved Kasey just as much. And I loved how they were both searching for each other. All the secrets that were revealed. They all killed me, though. Sobs.

I cannot decide what I felt about the different types of romances in this book. Cee and Hero was the most adorable thing and I loved them so very much. But Kasey and Act. Well. I shipped them. And then I didn't, except I still did. And I am so confused about that whole thing. So well written, though. I loved getting to know Hero. He showed up on Cee's island, without memory as well. And I found him to be every kind of precious. Then there was Actinium. Felt so conflicted about him, and needed to know much more of him.

There was also the sister relationship between Celia and Kasey. We see more about them being apart. Thinking about the other. And they had a complicated relationship too. Yet so much love for each other. And I very much enjoyed that. I loved learning more about their past. Who they both were. And what they meant to each other. Kasey was difficult to love. Set more apart from others. And yet I loved her so very much. Cee was very easy to love, yet had such a gentle heart too. I simply adored these two sisters so.

It is a four star for me because of a few things. Firstly, some of the science was a little too much for me to understand at times. It also took me a little time to get into the book. Wish that the timing had been made clearer. Like how Cee was at three years, and Kasey at just three months. Then that ending. It feels fully open with many things not clear yet. Summary says "Lost with a satisfying resolution." I feel a bit tricked. Thought there would be a sequel, there won't be. And there is so much I do not know. What happened?

And yet I loved this book so very much. It captured me from beginning to end, made me love these two girls. I just wish the ending had been clearer. It does not feel like an end to me. It feels very much ready for a sequel. And oh, how I wish there will be one. Though I see that Joan has said there will not be. And that is breaking my heart a little, to be fully honest. I wish to know what actually happened so badly. I wish more so so much. And so I will try being hopeful, that Joan might be writing a sequel one day. Want it so.

The Ones We're Meant to Find was such a beautiful book. And I very much loved it. It was everything I had hoped it to be. And yet so much more. Such a huge twist that I did not at all see coming. I probably should have seen it, but I did not. And I very much loved that, haha. But it so ruined me. Then everything after the twist ruined me even more. It was so good, but oh, my poor heart. Okay, the ending was not that open. But I need answers even so. It was such an incredible story and I shall never forget it. Do read this.

In My Mailbox #486

It has been another week already. I wish I could say that this week have been great for me, but it really truly has not. Sigh. As if I didn't have enough pain in my body already, this week gave me more. Infection in my mouth. Infection in both my big toes. Still nauseous at times. Stomach bad again. Headaches. I am goddamn tired of all of this pain. But I'm doing my best, as good as I can. Today I finally started reading a new book too. And I actually read all of it today. What even. Writing my review now. I'm happy. <3 But all of me hurts worse now. Sigh. Also got some stunning bookish mail this week, which I'm pleased about :) This week I'm waiting on Namesake. <3 And I will be posting my review of The Ones We're Meant to Find before midnight :) Just wanted to share this post first. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3

Reaper of Souls. I still have not read book one. Oops. But now I have both, so hoping to read them soon.
Dragon Fury. Was too late to pre-order this, so finally got to buy it :D So behind, but own them all, ha. <3
Winterkeep. Eee. Had to order from a Norwegian sites to get these paperbacks, but worth it. Gorgeous.
Chain of Iron. Oh gods. I own too many copies of this book. My god. But still ordered this new UK pback.
The Hobbit 4K. I couldn't not buy this edition too, haha. LotR is my favorite, but love these movies too. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #489

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Trader. Fighter. Survivor.

With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug’s scheme. In order to get to her intended destination she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception she learns that her mother was keeping secrets, and those secrets are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

Filled with action, emotion, and lyrical writing, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Namesake, the final book in the captivating Fable duology.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: March 16th 2021 by Wednesday Books
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

Okay, I have yet to read Fable. Oops. But I do own it. And I am excited to read it, as soon as I get my pre-order of Namesake in the mail too, haha :) I must have them both before I start. <3 I am so very excited for that. As I think this duology sounds amazing and I hope to love it so. People I know love them a lot :)
What are you waiting for on this fighting Wednesday?

Saturday, February 20, 2021

In My Mailbox #485

Oh, hello. This week have been a little crazy. I just spent all day long playing Pokemon GO, which has ruined me, but was awesome too. And my nephew got so so happy when he got a Playstation 5 too, eee. So happy. <3 And oh gods. I got the most awesome mail this week. Eee. SO very happy. Best package arrived from Alyssa, eee. Two pictures shared of all of that, haha. <3 And oh. This week I also watched Love Alarm on Netflix, also Korean, because of main boy from Sweet Home, Song Kang, being in it. I so regret it. My heart is ruined forever. It broke me. And I loved it so goddamn much. That boy is my favorite. And now I must see everything he's in. And oh gods, new season next month. I need it. Worst cliffhanger. Drama. Heartbreak. It killed me so. But so good too. Sigh. So yeah. Still waiting on news about season two of Sweet Home, though, haha. I need that the most. So anyway. Some stunning mail this week, eee. Sadly nothing read. Aw. But soon, I hope. I just don't feel like it yet. My body huuurts. So yeah. But soon. So just one new post. This week I'm waiting on All These Bodies, ahh. <3 I hope you are all still safe :)

Fable. Okay, I still haven't read this gorgeous thing, but had to own this UK paperback of it too, haha :)
The Island. Eee. Thank you to the publisher for sending me this finished copy as a gift :) Looks awesome.
Super Mario 3D World. Oh, I am excited about this game. I loved it on my WiiU. This will be even better.
Funko Pop. AHH! Thank you so much to Funko Nordic for this most perfect gift :D Oh my gosh. Love it.

First: Thank you so much to Alyssa for helping me get all of this, eee. <3 I paid for all of this. And she let me use her US address to get it all, then shipped it to me later. I am so, so happy. And beyond thankful.
Taylor Swift Cardigan. AHH! I am SO happy to have bought this cardigan :D A little big, but so so perfect.
Unlocked. Eee. I had to order this via B&N, haha, for the bonus content. Sigh. So behind on these books.
Kate & Jesse. Have wanted this short novella for ages, and finally got to order it. I very much adore Erin.
Marrowbone. I might not be able to watch this in Norway. Oops. But loved it so on Netflix. 3 times. Sigh.
CDs. Folklore target edition. <3 New Katy Perry. Frozen 2. And signed Folklore with card :D Ahh! Love.
POPs. Eee. I am SO excited to own these. Bigger ones were crazy expensive here. Smaller exclusive :)

First: Thank you so much to Alyssa for helping me get all of this, eee. <3 Most are pre-order offers, where I bought the book, and Alyssa let me use her US address. <3 Beyond thankful. And a few gifts from her :)
Swag. There is so so much pre-order swag here. Oh my gosh. I'm beyond happy with all of it, eee. There is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. There is Among the Beasts & Briars. There is Lightbringer. There is The Other Side of the Sky. There is Skyhunter. There is Instant Karma. There is Grishaverse, two books. And then gorgeous Megan Shepherd swag that I got from Alyssa. <3 Eee. And that most perfect School for Good and Evil pin from her too. Sigh. And I bought that Iggy from Shannon Messenger pin :) And that awesome Lord of the Rings card set. <3 Just. Thank you so much Alyssa. <3 You are the most amazing.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #488

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Sixteen bloodless bodies. Two teenagers. One impossible explanation.

It starts with a lone victim, found on his front porch with his throat cut and his body drained of blood. By the time it’s over, the Bloodless Murders leave a trail of sixteen bodies littered across the Midwest, with no suspects and no witnesses. Only questions: how were the victims chosen? Why didn’t they fight? And where, where is all the blood?

Michael Jensen yearns to become a journalist and escape his small-town life. He never imagined that the Bloodless Murders would come to sleepy Black Deer Falls, not until the night in September when the Carlson family is murdered in their farmhouse. The only suspect in the case is found with them in the house that night: fifteen-year-old Marie Catherine Hale, unharmed but covered in blood. She claims the murderer abandoned her at the scene, and though her story is suspicious, no one believes her capable of committing the crimes on her own.

When Marie refuses to talk to anyone but Michael, he agrees to record her side of the story. But how can he trust her confession when it calls into question everything that he holds to be true?

Marie knows that her time is running out. But she chose Michael for a reason, and his search for answers gives her one last chance to tell her truth.

Hardcover, 416 pages
Expected publication: September 21st 2021 by Quill Tree Books
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

EEEE. I am so goddamn excited for this book :D Ahh! Kendare is the best. And I love her books so so much. <3 And oh my gosh. All These Bodies sounds like perfection. It looks gooorgeous. I love that cover so much. Sigh. It's precious. And sounds like such an amazing story :D I know I'll love this one most. <3
What are you waiting for on this bloody Wednesday?

Saturday, February 13, 2021

In My Mailbox #484

This week have gone by so fast to me. I shared last week that I had just finished watching Sweet Home. And now I have watched it again; I watched it twice in less than a week. Sigh. Was so goddamn perfect. And I can't wait to watch it again, haha :) Waiting longer for next watch, though. And oh, please let there be a season two. I need more, so badly. I also finally read Winterkeep early this week, so yay for that :) I have a bunch of books to read next, and will start with an eARC, I think. Just not ready just yet. As I am currently re-watching Lord of the Rings trilogy, extended, in 4K on my PS5. <3 Sigh. So excited. One left. So might, maybe, read tomorrow. Will see :) Also got some pretty mail this week. Eee. I shared my review of Winterkeep. <3 This week I'm waiting on Curse of the Phoenix :) I hope you are all doing good and still staying safe. <3 The world is still a sucky place. I'm still thankful to have a town with close to zero corona, so I am still safe. And doing mostly good too. Health is just meh these days. But still okay despite this :)

The Iron Raven. I am a little behind on these books, but I so loved The Iron Fey books back then, eee. <3
Winterkeep UK ARC. Omg. Thank you so much Rachael for trading with me :D AHH! It is so gorgeous.
Payback. Eee. So excited for this final book :D Okay, still need to read book two, but will one day soonish.
The Project. EEE. Been waiting forever and ever for this book, haha. I'm hoping to read it very shortly :D
Spider-Man Miles Morales. One day I shall play this on my PS5 :D Eee. It do look pretty much amazing.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #487

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The creatures of legend are real—and it’s up to twins Zac and Lu to save them in this fun-filled middle grade adventure perfect for fans of Fablehaven and The Hotel Between.

Twins Zac and Lu grew up on their mother’s stories of the Wildewoods, an imaginary land where mythical beasts roam free. These creatures fill the pages of Zac’s sketchbooks and inspire Lu’s love of animals, and on most days, they’re the only thing the twins have in common.

When their mother dies, a heartbroken Lu and Zac are shipped off to England to spend the summer with relatives they’ve never met. But it doesn’t take the twins long to uncover the incredible secret tucked away in the forest behind their ancestral home: their mother’s wonderful tales about unicorns and dragons and centaurs weren’t make-believe after all. Their family serves as keepers of the Wildewoods, the last place on earth where these mythical creatures can live safe from human harm.

But there are also many dangers in these lands—as well as a terrible curse. When Zac and Lu fall victim to it, their only hope is finding the very last living phoenix left in the world. But will breaking the curse mean the end of the Wildewoods?

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: June 8th 2021 by Margaret K. McElderry Books
Pre-Order here and here #ad

Eee. This book looks gorgeous and sounds so awesome too. I may have been a fan of Aimée for years and years now. And yet I haven't read a single one of her books. What even. I own pretty much all of them, though, haha :) So I am ready to get started soon. I think I will love her books. This new one too. <3
What are you waiting for on this cursed Wednesday?

Monday, February 8, 2021

Review: Winterkeep by Kristin Cashore

When this book was announced I was beyond happy. Because it meant more from this most amazing Graceling world. And more of Bitterblue too. And so I simply had to re-read the trilogy before this came out. I am so glad that I did so. And this new book was all kinds of incredible. I could not stop reading once I started this.

Winterkeep was all kinds of exciting. The writing perfection, all of the characters amazing. I just love this world so very much. And in this new book there is a newer world again. Different people and customs. And different creatures too, which was all kinds of fun. Giving this precious book five stars. As it was fully perfect.

There is so much going on in this book. I don't know how to even write it all down. Will try not to share too much, but will be writing about what happens early on, which is what this whole book is about really. It takes place around four years after the ending of Bitterblue. And it starts with her, which I so loved. She is still all kinds of amazing. A little wild, but I adore her so. We get to learn that they found out about a new place a few years back, called Winterkeep. And they have been in contact with them for a while, learning their language. Bitterblue sent some of her people over there. And now they are missing. Then she also finds out that this new country has been tricking her, buying cheap rock from her mountains and without letting her know that it was a special type worth so much more than what they gave her. So rude.

Which is how this book begins. With Bitterblue deciding to finally visit Winterkeep herself. Taking Giddon and Hava with her across the sea for weeks. Oh, getting to know this new place was all kinds of amazing. The people were different. Their town was way different, much more advanced. They had magical blue foxes, who sometimes bonded with humans. They were every kind of fantastic. I loved that one blue fox had his own point of view. They were smart, able to communicate with their mind. I loved them to pieces.

There was another point of view too. A creature called the Keeper. Though she did not see herself that way, instead it was some other ocean creatures that kept calling her the Keeper, their hero, savior of the world. And yet all that this monster wanted was to be left alone with her sunken treasures. We don't read a lot from her, but enough. And I very much liked this creature. She was important to the story too. The other ocean creatures were the silbercows. Getting to know more about them too was the best. So cute.

There was Bitterblue's point of view too, but also from Giddon. I still feel a little unsure about him. He is older than Bitterblue. And this book was very much about them growing closer, maybe starting something together. I did like him. I'm just not sure if I fully loved him. He was no Po or Brigan for me, haha. But still adorable and I loved his love for Bitterblue. Their friendship was also the cutest, so that was good. This begins with Bitterblue falling out of their ship when they are almost in Winterkeep, which no one witness.

And there she almost drowns. Until the silbercows rescue her. And then people in an airship rescues her from the cold, taking her away from the ocean. But those people were not nice. And they kidnapped her. With Giddon and Hava believing she was dead. For weeks. Which was so sad. I will say that there was so much crying in this book. Which I don't mind at all, bu yeah, there was a lot of it. Maybe too much. But it did make me love the characters more, of course. And they did have their reasons for crying so much.

It was worst for Bitterblue, though, being kept locked up in a attic somewhere. And then there was Lovisa. The sixteen year old girl living in Winterkeep. Daughter of two important people in this world. Her life has not been easy, with an unkind mother. And trying to keep three little brothers safe. I loved getting to know this girl. I loved getting to know her life and her friends and her family. She was so special to me. Broken, but brave and amazing. Her life changes so much during the three weeks of this book. Was a little crazy.

I have written so much about this book, and must still share a little more. It is centered around Bitterblue being kidnapped. About Lovisa learning dangerous secrets about her parents. About her trying to decide what the right thing to do is. It is about the blue fox and the other creatures too. It was such an amazing story and I loved it to pieces. The characters were great. The world was incredible. And the heartbreak at times ruined me a little. I did not love it as much as I loved Graceling and Fire and Bitterblue, but close.

I must confess that I'm a little sad that there was no Po and Katsa in this one. There is only a mention of their name, that they aren't at least dead. But yeah. I missed them so, and really wanted to know more about them. So once again I am crossing my fingers that there will be more Graceling books after this, ha. I would love it so. But even though I did not get more of my favorite characters, there was a lot more of Bitterblue and Giddon and Hava. And I very much loved that. Their friendships were so great to see.

Another confession. I love that this book was very open about sex. But I will also confess that I did not love that Bitterblue seemed to have new lovers at all times. And that Lovisa also slept with all kinds of boys. She was just sixteen. And she did it because she felt like she must at times. Which broke my heart. But I did like how open this book was about it all. Though I don't agree personally with sleeping with so many, either boy or girl, I didn't mind it. And I loved these two girls beyond anything. They were precious.

Winterkeep was pretty much everything I could have wanted for another book set in the Graceling world. I loved it beyond words. It was so exciting and thrilling and so very incredible. I loved every moment of it. It was sad and dark at times, but not as dark as the other three books. I loved the new characters, though missed the old ones so. The blue foxes were the most amazing and I would love to read more about them too. This whole series is completely perfect. And I love these books so much. You must read all of them.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

In My Mailbox #483

Another week gone by super fast. Ack. Whoops. I still have not started reading Winterkeep. Ahh. And tomorrow it has been a week since I finished re-reading Bitterblue. Sigh. I'm so behind. But been feeling all kinds of awful these days, so have not been in the mood to read. Feeling hopeful for tomorrow, though, that I might get to at least start it. Since I had a super bad day yesterday, I started watching Sweet Home on Netflix. And oh my gosh, I'm loving it. Okay. I finished it before I finished writing this post. And oh god. Sweet Home was so goddamn good. Watched it in Korean. And it was perfection. Such a great story and perfect characters. Main boy killed me with his story. What even. Please be a second season. Hmph. Got a few books this week. <3 And the most amazing thing I was so lucky to order one of last week. Sigh. Am now ready to re-watch Lord of the Rings, extended edition, in 4K for the first time, ahh :D But yeah. Not yet. I need to read Winterkeep first. Hmph. So yeah. Hoping to start soon. A couple of new blog posts. I shared my review of Bitterblue. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Dog Star :) Hope you are all doing great.

The Girl From Widow Hills. Oh. I had forgotten to buy it last summer. Thankfully, still 1st ed. Loved this.
King of Scars. New pretty US paperback edition. <3 Okay, I have yet to read it, and own so many copies.
The Midnight Lie. Oops. Behind on buying this stunning new UK paperback. Such a great book too. <3
Tenet. I haven't seen this yet. Robert Pattinson. Sigh. So bought the 4K steelbook edition, ha :) Excited.
Playstation 5. Oh. My gosh. I was still heartbroken about not being able to buy this back in November, which I thought would be easy and possible. Haaa. Yeah. So I was kind of prepared to wait for months still to get it. Then I googled a little, found a Norwegian discussion site, and stalked a few websites all day long for a couple of days. And then. Suddenly, it was possible to buy from one of those sites last week, for just five minutes. And I made it. Ahh. I am so happy. Sigh. My very first Playstation :) Just.. sad, as I was not fast enough to get one for my nephew too. And he is a little heartbroken. And I don't want him to have to wait months now either. Sigh. So will still be paying attention, hoping to get lucky once more. Oh.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #486

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Laika is a Cold Dog, a stray pup fighting for her life on the streets of Moscow. Then, one winter night, she is plucked from her alley to become a starflyer, a dog trained to travel into space. Distrustful of people, Laika tries to do everything she can to escape. That is, until she meets Nina.

Nina is a Cold Girl, lonely and full of questions. Her best friend has moved to America in a rush, leaving Nina to face the school bullies all by herself. Plus, her father's work as a scientist in the Soviet Space Program grows more secretive by the day.

When the two meet in her father's laboratory, their growing bond slowly warms the chill that has settled in each other's hearts. As the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union grows fierce, Laika and Nina uncover shocking secrets and hard truths that will test their friendship. How will they find the courage to chase their dreams all the way to the stars?

Based on an incredible true story, Carnegie Medal nominee and New York Times-bestselling author Megan Shepherd crafts a harrowing, propulsive girl-and-her-dog tale that will linger in your heart long after the last page.

Hardcover, 256 pages
Expected publication: September 14th 2021 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Byr)
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

This book looks all kinds of adorable. And it sounds so good too. I love that it is based on a true story. I don't know anything about that, oops, but so very excited for this one. I very much think that I will love it.
What are you waiting for on this starry Wednesday?