
Saturday, January 9, 2021

In My Mailbox #479

Whoops. This past week went by even faster than last week, if that is even possible. Gosh. I haven't read anything yet. Aw. And I haven't taken a new instagram photo either. Oops. Soon, I hope. Been busy this week with my new laptop, which I love. And as always, Animal Crossing. Which is still the best. Sigh. But yeah. I really hope to read something this coming week. Fingers crossed for me. Also, nothing in the mail this week either. Just after Christmas is always slow. Maybe something next week :) Do have a few books pre-ordered. Was going to order more on the first of this month, which I do every month, but gosh, book depository has stopped shipping to the EU. What even. I hope this is a very short break. It's breaking my heart. Cannot buy books from anywhere else. Cannot buy books that I do not pre-order first, for a lower price. Uuugh. Please fix this issue. Sigh. So sharing my latest instagram photo, though it is daaays old now. And sharing two gorgeous eARCs I have downloaded from Edelweiss lately, as I was autoapproved. So excited for them both. Just, yeah. No idea when I will feel like reading again. Sigh. So only one new blog post. This week I'm waiting on Heartless Heirs. <3 I have been in a lot of pain this past week. Ow. Which fully sucks. I hope next week will be better. Hope you are all doing okay too. It's dangerous times.

Red Wolf. I am so very excited for this book. It looks stunning and sounds so very awesome. Can't wait.
My Contrary Mary. Eee. So excited for this too. I just need to read the third Jane book first. Oops. Soon.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Is Red Wolf the last Rachel Vincent novel written?

    Have a great week, C!


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