
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #483

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Something is rotten in the heart of Winterkeep...

Four years after Bitterblue left off, a new land has been discovered to the east: Torla; and the closest nation to Monsea is Winterkeep. Winterkeep is a land of miracles, a democratic republic run by people who like each other, where people speak to telepathic sea creatures, adopt telepathic foxes as pets, and fly across the sky in ships attached to balloons.

But when Bitterblue’s envoys to Winterkeep drown under suspicious circumstances, she and Giddon and her half sister, Hava, set off to discover the truth–putting both Bitterblue’s life and Giddon’s heart to the test when Bitterbue is kidnapped. Giddon believes she has drowned, leaving him and Hava to solve the mystery of what’s wrong in Winterkeep.

Lovisa Cavenda is the teenage daughter of a powerful Scholar and Industrialist (the opposing governing parties) with a fire inside her that is always hungry, always just nearly about to make something happen. She is the key to everything, but only if she can figure out what’s going on before anyone else, and only if she’s willing to transcend the person she’s been all her life.

Hardcover, 528 pages
Expected publication: January 19th 2021 by Dial Books For Young Readers
Pre-Order here
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Gosh. Suddenly realized that I had yet to share about this most perfect looking book on my blog. What even. I haven't done cover reveal posts in so long. And have missed out on sharing about many books. Oops. So I forgot about this one too. And oh my gosh. I'm so very excited for Winterkeep. Eee. Graceling is still my most favorite book. That whole trilogy is perfection. And this is pretty much a direct sequel to Bitterblue. And I cannot wait at all. Okay, I have waited forever already, and now it's almost out. Eee. I must re-read the Graceling trilogy first, though. Which I suddenly realized I have not done in four years in a couple of months now. What even. I love these books so so much. Sigh. Must re-read shortly. Anyway. This cover is gorgeous. And the new trilogy covers looks amazing too. I am so excited about this book :)
What are you waiting for on this mysterious Wednesday?

1 comment:

  1. I want to read this one as well! I didn't realize she's got another Graceling book coming out. :D


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