
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Waiting on Wednesday #482

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

HEARTLESS HEIRS (Twin Daggers #2)

Goodreads Description:

Now torn between two worlds, Aissa must decide who she can trust. Especially when it comes to her twin.

Now without a home and on the run, Aissa has never felt so trapped and alone even with her sister and friend by her side. Zandria—once her other half—has become cold and inflexible after her time in the Technocrat’s dungeon and is bent on revenge Aissa no longer feels. Their friend Remy may still side with his father, a Magi leader who refuses to believe his spy, Darian Azul, has turned traitor. And Aissa herself is now an enemy of her Magi people after falling in love with—and binding her heart to—Aro, a Techno prince who puts all their lives at stake.

Using clues her parents and others left behind, Aissa is determined to uncover the secrets of the Alchemist Alliance that helped create her and Zandria’s unique magical powers … as well as learn whether the Alliance’s research holds the key to healing the rift between the Magi and Technocrats after centuries of war. But with her people preparing for battle, and Darian poised to use the Technocrats’ might for his own ends, it will take more than lost spells and hidden secrets to accomplish her goal. Especially as the dangerous bond between her Aro grows deeper and threatens everything Aissa has ever believed.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: August 10th 2021 by Blink
Pre-Order here
and here #ad

I cannot wait for this sequel :D The covers for these books are just awesome. I love them so. And such a huge fan of MarcyKate. <3 I'm hoping to love this second book a bunch. Fingers crossed. It sounds more exciting and I just cannot wait to know how everything ends. Wishing it was out already, though :) Excited.
What are you waiting for on this heartless Wednesday?


  1. Oh this series is new to me.

    I hope you'll get to read it soon!

  2. You've got me curious about the series now. What a killer cover too!


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