
Saturday, July 18, 2020

In My Mailbox #454

Eee. I actually got some of my books in the mail this week, haha. Still waiting on more, but some have arrived, at last. <3 I'm still slow at reading, but have re-read one book. Making progress :) Just so busy with sister and her kids and everything else too. We also have warmer weather, finally, so spending time outside too. Though now rainy for ages, so maybe I'll have more time to read. Ha. A few new blog posts this week. I shared my fifth review of A World Without Princes :D This week I'm waiting on The Camelot Betrayal :) And shared my fourth review of The Last Ever After. <3 I'm doing as good as I can. Exhasuted but happy and safe. Worried about the rest of the world, though. I hope you are all staying safe and well :)

Aurora Burning. Finally got my AUS paperback edition of this book. <3 It looks gorgeous. Loved it so.
My Calamity Jane. I'm so excited to read this book soonish :D Loved the other ones by these authors. <3
One True King. Eee. Finally got my first copy, haha :D Could finally peek at ending too, haha. So excited.
Battle Born. Third book. <3 Must re-read book one soon so I can read them all :) They look so so pretty.
The Kingdom of Back. Thank you Beatrice for trading this with me. <3 I had to own this precious ARC :)
Supernova. Well. Have waited months and months for this one. Took two months this time. First time it never arrived, so they had to re-ship it. Now it has arrived squished. Ahhh. Still. Happy to finally own it :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)