
Saturday, January 11, 2020

In My Mailbox #427

I feel happy about this week. I managed to read two books, eee. And have my next read planned too. I'm excited. I also got way way way too much mail this week. Ahh! Help. But loving it all to pieces, haha :D I also bought myself a new camera; Canon EOS 2000D. An upgrade from my EOS 550D. It is almost the same, just better quality. Now just waiting for daylight to come back so I can take some gorgeous photos, haha. It's too dark. Ugh. Just a few weeks more. I shall survive. I also watched a few movies this week too, which I'm happy about as well. But oh, mom is having some health scares, which is not good at all. Fingers crossed, please. Anyway. A few new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on The Girl from Widow Hills :D I shared my review of Tunnel of Bones :) And my review of Fall for Anything. <3 I enjoyed both books and it made me want to read more, finally. Hoping it will continue this way :D Happy weekend. <3

Clockwork Angel. Oops. I got the signed version via Waterstones too, haha. But a little disappointed, ack.
The Magnolia Sword. Oh, such a stunning AUS paperback version :D I loved this book to pieces. Sigh.
Kingdom of Souls + A Treason of Thorns. Eee! Thank you Rezanne for trading with me. <3 I love them.
Carry On book cover. Thank you Alyssa for helping me get this special cover art book jacket, eee. Love.
The Guinevere Deception + Skylark + Steeltide + Gravemaidens. Ahh! Oh gosh. All such stunning ARCs. Sigh. Thank you the most to Alyssa for trading with me. <3 I'm in love with each and every one of them.
Hollow Dolls. EEE! Thank you to Sourcebooks Kids for sending this to me via Alyssa :) I love it so much.
All the swag. AHH! I got all of this from Alyssa too; who helped me with US pre-orders :D So much love.
Pop Figures. Ahh! A big order came in, haha. More IT. Stranger Things. Harry Potter. Love them so. Sigh.
Harry Potter pens. I couldn't stop myself from ordering these from Gamestop. They are simply gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So glad everything arrived safely. I hope you enjoy all of your new goodies, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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