
Saturday, November 30, 2019

In My Mailbox #421

I have done a whole lot of reading this past week. I struggled to finish two books I had gotten for review. They were beyond long with such bad writing and small words on each page. Was simply the worst. But I finished, haha. And now done reading The Scorpio Races, eee. My precious. I finished it tonight and write my review now. Most perfect, always. Feeling a little exhausted, though. Those two awful books took a lot of my energy, ha. As I rushed to finish them. Oh, well. It's done and I made it, haha. And I got some pretty mail this week too. A whole bunch of more pop figures as well. Oops. I love them tons, though, haha :D Hoping to catch up a little bit more this coming week, though. So far behind. Sigh. A few new blog posts :) I shared my review of For the Killing of Kings. Ack. And this week I'm waiting on Seven Devils :D Then I shared my review of Upon the Flight of the Queen. Sigh. And will share my review of The Scorpio Races tonight, eee. My tenth time reading it. Sigh. So so precious. I hope you are all doing well :) December 1st tomorrow! Eee! So very excited for Christmas. For good food and presents and Christmas movies. Sigh.

Supernova + The Guinevere Deception. My personalized copies bought from Mysterious Galaxy have arrived :D Eee. And they both look stunning. Sigh. I love them tons. And love the gorgeous art print :D
Supernova. My international paperback edition has arrived, eee. It is so pretty. Must re-read book 1 soon.
Pop Figures. I won those three gorgeous Halloween ones from Funko Europe :D Eee! And more Harry Potter pre-orders. Oops. So pretty. And my Kristoff. And Sansa. And my Steve Irwin. Whom I love so very much. Sigh. Tiny crocodile is adorable, haha. My Stranger Things monster, though. Hmm. It's ugly. Sobs.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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