
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Review: Give the Dark My Love by Beth Revis

Reading this book again was a must. And I'm so thrilled I finally had the chance to re-read it. Because, gosh, this story is good. Beyond heartbreaking and kind of evil and fully sad but so good. So perfect. And such a thrilling story as well. Cannot wait to read the final book next. It will be amazing, I'm sure of it. Very excited.

Give the Dark My Love was every kind of perfect the first time I read it. And it was just as perfect this second time. The writing is gorgeous. The world building awesome. And all of the characters were the very best. Reading about Nedra and Grey was still the best thing. They are adorable. Although this book ruined me too.

Because this story is all kinds of heartbreaking. It is a story about grief and loss and pain. A story about the plague. A story about a girl doing her best to help find a cure for this plague. It is a story about a girl and boy falling in love, despite Nedra not having time for romance. Despite all their differences. The romance is not a huge part of this book, but it was there, and it was every kind of adorable. I shipped them so very much. Sigh. The book is mostly told from the point of view of Nedra. With a few chapters from Grey included too. And I loved reading from both of them. I fell in love with them both. Getting to know their story was the best thing. Grey is the rich boy having lived a privileged life. Nedra is a girl from a small village with the biggest heart and best family.

There is so much about this book that I could write about. But this time I will not share too much about everything. Well, I will try not to, haha. I am simply so happy that I read this book again. Because it was all kinds of good. Though my heart feels like it will always suffer. Sigh. Nedra goes through so much in this story. So much pain and suffering. But many happy things too. A lot of happy with Grey. And that made me the happiest. I loved how she was so excited about studying alchemy. She was so awesome.

This book takes place at a private school. And on a quarantine hospital just across the water from it. First we get to know Nedra and her family. And gosh, how I adored them all. Her parents were adorable and her twin sister was so cute. I loved that Nedra had a happy family. She got accepted to this private school on a scholarship for a year. And she is so excited about it. About learning alchemy, learning more about the plague that is happening in the world around her. I loved how very excited she was about everything.

But oh, things were not all perfect and fun and full of learning. Because what Nedra do most in this book is spend time around people that have the plague. She learns everything there is to know about it, without finding a cure or the reason for why it all happened. She learns how to take the pain away from the sick people. Though most of them died anyway. There was so much death. And it was heartbreaking to read about. Especially considering how much Nedra cared about it all, and how much the rich people did not.

This is a book about the plague. And it was so interesting and horrifying to read about. I loved everything that was learned about it. And all the secrets that came out too. Especially about necromancy, which was forbidden in this place. Learning about necromancy was all kinds of interesting. It was all about sacrifice and death. Which Nedra learns so much about in this story. Sigh. Which broke my heart so very badly. I will not say more about it, but gosh, my heart hurt for Nedra. She didn't deserve all that happened to her.

I shall not say much more about this book. Only that I still loved it so very much. The story about Nedra and how she ended up turning dark was the very best. I so loved her relationship with Grey and with her family too. There was simply so much about this book that I loved. The world was so good. The story was so sad and rude and evil. Yet I loved every moment of it. Give the Dark My Love was still everything that I wanted it to be. And I cannot wait to read Bit My Soul Farewell next. You all need these books in your life.

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