
Saturday, September 14, 2019

In My Mailbox #410

Another week gone by. Gosh. Time is moving way too fast. I got so so little done this week. I even spent seven days reading a book that I read in one day last year. Ugh. But so little time. And no energy at all. I thought last week was bad with my health. This week was so much worse. My eyelid got swollen. Badly. Went to two doctors, got antibiotics for it. It's better now, but gosh, it was painful. Then yesterday I noticed pain in my wrist. And bent it. Turns out I now have a ganglion bump too. Ha. Yeah. Not pleased. Another thing I had never heard about. Anyway. My health currently sucks. Doing okay despite that. Somewhat. I am so far behind. But I'm trying. Trying to feel up to doing more. I also got some gorgeous books in the mail this week, eee, which I'm super happy about :D It's all perfect. A few new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on Bid My Soul Farewell. <3 And shared my second review of Give the Dark My Love :) I'm trying to deal with my health and everything. It's hard, though. Hard to find time to do all the things I want. Sigh.

Darkdawn. Oops. Some pre-orders have arrived, haha :D And they just looks gorgeous. I love the covers.
The Girl the Sea Gave Back. Oops. Yeah. I did not love this book but had to own the gorgeous hardcover.
The Magnolia Sword. This book was SO GOOD. And I loved it so. Sigh. The finished copy is so precious.
Pumpkinheads. UK edition :D It looks all kinds of stunning. And this book was pretty much so adorable.
Tunnel of Bones. US and UK editions of this book :) Book one was a bit meh, hoping this one is better.
The End and Other Beginnings + The Grace Year. EEE! Thank you Rezanne for trading with me :D Love!
When She Reigns Swag. YAY! Thank you so much Jodi for this most precious pre-order swag :D Love it.
Pop Figures + Mirror. Captain Marvel and Lucas :D Both so awesome. And LotR mirror from a trade. <3

The Empire of Dreams. AHH! I could not stop myself from downloading this from Edelweiss the moment I saw it. Oops. So love being auto-approved by Harper so so very much. <3 Sigh. I adore Rae. And her books were so good. Her first trilogy was awesome and I can't wait to read this companion sequel :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

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