
Saturday, August 31, 2019

In My Mailbox #408

I am exhausted. I had the longest hospital day on Thursday; stayed all the way until late at night. It was a great day, though, as I had my mom, grandma and nephew with me too, and we went to a new swimming pool in town there and did a bunch of shopping. But gosh, it ruined my body. Everything still hurts. Aack. And so I'm even more behind, as always. Ugh. But I'm trying. I made myself read a book this week, and so I have read a total of 5 books this month. Not a lot, but more than I have in months, haha :) I have my next reads planned still, and I'm hoping to finally have more time this coming week. Fingers crossed. This week was so busy because of family time. Which is still every day, all day long. Oops. But I love it so. But yeah. So exhausted. A few new blog posts this week :) I took part in the blog tour for The Jumbie God's Revenge :D This week I'm waiting on Wayward Son. <3 And I shared my review of The Grace Year, ahh :D I got some gorgeous mail too, eee. Some pre-orders, and my Lover editions, finally :D I love them so very much. Sigh. <3 The album is so good. I've had a busy week but doing good despite that. Somewhat.

Shadow School: Archimancy. I adored this book a whole lot, months ago, and love the finished copy :D
The Star Shepherd. This book was so cute. I loved it. Hardcover arrived super early; and it is gorgeous.
Pumpkinheads. I cannot wait to read this one, eee :D I have peeked, haha. This book seems so adorable.
Pop Figures. Eee. They are all gorgeous. More Stranger Things :D I love my Owen with baby dinosaur.
Lover. Yesss. Look at all these gorgeous things :D So expensive in Norway. But so very worth it. I love the different deluxe versions with the journals. And my special box with goodies inside :D All so stunning.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. How cute is your nephew?! Ack.

    Have a great week, Carina!


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