
Saturday, August 10, 2019

In My Mailbox #405

Eee! One million page views :D Thank you all so very much. <3 You guys are the best. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my posts. And for commenting. Please do leave a comment if you have the time :) It means so much to me. Anyway. This week have gone by so fast. But I have finally read a little, and I am so happy about that, eee. Hoping to read even more this coming week. I have so so much I'm behind on. Ack. But getting there. Somewhat. Oops. And so behind on everything else too. Ahh. But I'm trying. Just so busy and tired and exhausted and hurting. Ugh. But at least I'm taking a small daily walk each day, which should be good for my health. Probably. Not much mail this week, but love it all so much. And a few new blog posts. I shared my second review of Monstrous Beauty :D This week I'm waiting on The Empire of Dreams. <3 And I shared my review of The Star Shepherd :D Hope you are all doing well.

Soul of Stars. Eee. I'm pretty excited about this gorgeous second book :D I think it will be so very perfect.
Swag. Ahh! I traded for all of this gorgeous with Erica. <3 Thank you so much lovely. I am in love with all of it. Ahh. The Marissa Meyer pins are beyond perfect :D So much love. I love it all. So so very precious.

The Magnificent Monsters of Cedar Street. When I saw this on Edelweiss, I had to download it right away. Oops. It looks SO CUTE. And sounds great too. I remember loving the first middle grade book by Lauren Oliver so very much; Liesl & Po. And so I cannot wait to read this gorgeous thing. I shall love it so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Congrats on your page views!!! What a wonderful accomplishment I'm so happy for you!!!


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)