
Monday, July 22, 2019

The Oddmire: Changeling Blog Tour: Review

Today I'm taking part in the blog tour for The Oddmire: Changeling by William Ritter :D Huge thank you to the publisher, Algonquin Young Readers, for letting me take part in this tour. I'm so glad I had the chance to read this book early. For my post today I'm sharing my four star review of the book. I read it exactly one month ago today, and it was so good. I got a free eARC of this book from the publisher, which I am super happy about. Because this book ended up being so good for me. Fully adorable and all kinds of fun. Can't wait to read more about the characters in the second book. I think you should all read this adorable book.

Review of The Oddmire: Changeling.

I had not heard much about this book before I had the chance to sign up for the blog tour. I then read the summary. And knew I had to give this book a try. And I'm so glad that I did so. Because this story was all kinds of fun and so cute. The book was short and easy to read. The writing was stunning. The characters were the very best. I'm giving it four stars, as it was not completely perfect, though not far from it. I really liked the writing a whole lot. This book was fast paced and exciting. Full of magic and danger and family.

This book tells the story of twin boys. They are days away from turning thirteen years old. It begins only days after the birth of them. With a goblin about to steal a human baby and put a changeling in his place. But he makes a mistake. And has to leave both boys behind. Which is how they end up being twins. Their mother cares for them both. And they had such a great life with her. It made me so happy. One of them is human, one a goblin. But they don't know which is which. And yet their mother loved them both the same.

Which made my heart so happy. We get to know both boys in this story, Tinn and Cole. We get to know a little about each of them. And they were both adorable. Tinn was more quiet and careful, with Cole being loud and breaking all the rules. But they spent all their time together, having fun, being brothers. Getting to know them was the best. And I could not help but love them the very most. Eee. We also get to know their mother, Annie, a whole lot as well. And this woman was all kinds of epic and fierce. I loved her tons.

This book was fast to read, though it was not all that short. So much happened. Despite most of the story taking place in just one day. Tinn and Cole do not know which one of them is the goblin changeling. They worry about it, but it does not stop them from being brothers and loving each other. They are just normal boys. And I very much liked learning about their life. They live in an old fashioned village, in the past. This world seemed pretty great. Would not have minded learning even more about it all, though. I am curious.

The boys live a normal life, until the day they get a letter from the goblin that changed their lives. And so they must begin on a journey. A journey to save magic in the wild forest or end up with one of them dead if they fail. And they must do so before the end of the day. The journey through this dangerous forest was all kinds of fun. They meet this girl, Fable. And she was a little awkward but beyond sweet. They get lost. They get hurt. And reading about it all was simply the very best. Was such a great journey to read about.

Though they left without letting their mother know, they did leave her a note. And so just hours after they left she is going after them. I loved that very much. Annie was such a fierce character and so protective of her boys. There is a whole bunch of things going on in this one. There is a darkness in the forest. A thing that kills creatures. And it is hunting for the boys. It was creepy. But so good too. There is a witch in this forest too. And that was pretty exciting to read about as well. I just loved these characters so very much.

I will not be saying much more about this book. Only that it was pretty amazing. Not fully perfect to me, but almost. It was so much fun. Full of magic and magical creatures. A great story with a good ending. I must have the next book in this series. The Oddmire: Changeling was such an incredible story. With the best characters. The adventure was all kinds of fun. And the writing was stunning. Biggest thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for letting me read an eARC of this book for the tour. You all need it in your life.

Magic is fading from the Wild Wood. To renew it, goblins must perform an ancient ritual involving the rarest of their kind—a newborn changeling. But when the fateful night arrives to trade a human baby for a goblin one, something goes terribly wrong. After laying the changeling in a human infant’s crib, the goblin Kull is briefly distracted from his task. By the time he turns back, the changeling has already perfectly mimicked the human child. Too perfectly: Kull cannot tell them apart. Not knowing which to bring back, he leaves both babies behind.

Tinn and Cole are raised as human twins, neither knowing what secrets may be buried deep inside one of them. Then when they are twelve years old, a mysterious message arrives, calling the brothers to be heroes and protectors of magic. The boys must leave behind their sleepy town of Endsborough and risk their lives in the Wild Wood, crossing the perilous Oddmire swamp and journeying through the Deep Dark to reach the goblin horde and discover who they truly are.

William Ritter is an Oregon author and educator. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark.The Oddmireis Ritter’s first series for middle-grade readers. He is also the author of the New York Times bestselling, award-winning Jackaby series for young adult readers. Visit him online at and find him on Twitter: @Willothewords.

Where to find William Ritter:

“Set in a magical world filled with incredible creatures from folklore, this fast-paced fantasy will keep readers turning the pages as they follow the twins through the dark and mysterious woods. Unique characters with complex personalities will give readers insight into the feelings and actions of not only Tinn and Cole and their mother, but the creatures—both good and evil—they encounter on their journey. A captivating series opener.” —Booklist, starred review

“A delightful series opener.” —Kirkus Reviews

“[A] charming middle grade fantasy…Ritter (the Jackaby series) crafts a well-paced adventure filled with whimsy and peril, in which the bonds of family and love prove stronger than any spell or curse. With memorable characters—especially the irrepressible protagonists, who make a delightful team—and an atmospheric setting, this is a strong series opener.” —Publishers Weekly

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to be a part of The Oddmire: Changeling Blog Tour! I've been a fan of William Ritter's work since I first read Jackaby, and I was so excited to hear that he was writing a new middle grade fantasy series. Changeling is a delightful story about two twin brothers, Tinn and Cole, who discover that one of them is a goblin changeling. The boys are sent on a quest to save the Wild Wood, and they encounter all sorts of magical creatures along the way. I loved the humor and adventure in Changeling, and I can't wait to read the next book in the series! If you want to visit Leh Ladakh Read this Blog Ladakh Holidays


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