
Saturday, July 20, 2019

In My Mailbox #402

Gosh this week have been long. I had to spend over a week with my sister to help with the babies. I'm exhausted, lol. But finally back home in my own bed and spending the nights as well with my cat :) And also, eee, we finally have summer weather here. I have waiting so long for it, lol. Finally some heat and sun. Sigh. So spending some time outside too. But yeah. My health isn't any good at all. New bumps and abscess and everything hurts. Ugh. Trying to deal with it, but it is hard. But I am okay. Mostly, anyway :) Still so far behind on every single thing. Behind on reading too. I have only gotten to barely start The Art of Theft. But hoping to read more tonight. Fingers crossed. Also, eee, I finally have my laptop back from service. Sigh. That do make things easier. But no new laptop, like I was promised, not until the next time it is broken again. Ugh. Which I'm positive will happen. How rude. Anyway. I got some pretty great mail this week :D A few books. <3 And some more pop figures, haha :D Only two new posts, ack. Posted my second review of The Hollow of Fear. <3 This week I'm waiting on Steel Tide :) Hope you're all doing well.

Serafina and the Seven Stars. I have only read book one, ack, but own them all now :D Excited to read.
Blastaway. I adore this author and I think this new middle grade book by her looks all kinds of amazing :D
The Magnolia Sword. Aaack! Thank you Kiara for trading with me :D I just love this book soso very much.
Pop Figures. Oops. So many :D My new LotR. So awesome. And JP jeep :D So stunning. I love them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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