
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review: The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas

It feels like I have waited forever to get to read this fourth book. And now I finally had that chance. Giving this precious book five stars. I don't think any book will ever be as good as The Hollow of Fear was to me, but this one was still perfect. And I enjoyed it so very much. This series is simply perfection. Sigh. I love it so.

This fourth book was beyond good. Getting to read more about Charlotte and Lord Ingram and Livia and Mrs. Watson and just everyone was simply the best. Adore these characters beyond words. They are all awesome. The writing in this was stunning too. And so easy to read. The historical parts are so very good.

There is so much I could say about this series. And so much I'm not going to say. Because my mind goes blank every time I try to figure out how to put down words of my love. How rude. As I so very much love these books about Miss Charlotte Holmes and her friends. I love the mysteries they all try their best to solve. I love all of the different food that they eat. All the different places they visit. Just. Gosh. How I love every part of this world Sherry has created. I love that it is set in the past. I love that it is old fashioned. Okay, so many things were pretty horrible back in those days, but it's still so interesting to read about. This book takes place not long after the end of book three. I love how it is a series that moves forward, but not too fast. I love all of the details.

I shall not say too much about this fourth book. Only that I loved it a whole lot. I wish there had been more romance, ha, which I always do. But honestly, I simply loved reading more about Charlotte and Ash. And getting to learn even more about them. Ash, aka Lord Ingram, is such a special man. I love every part of him. And we learn more about him as a person in this one. He is kind of broken and I love that about him. But yes, I very much need Charlotte to heal him, haha. They fit together very well. Sigh. They are so cute.

Anyway. This book does not take that much place in London, as the other books. Instead they all travel to Paris to help a client. They are going to rob someone. Steal a painting. And this is no easy thing. There is so much planning that happens. So many secrets that comes out. And it was all exciting and interesting to read about. There is a scene about someone having to walk in cold water; it was pretty heartbreaking, but so very good. Oh, how much I love all of these characters. All of them has a special place in my heart.

I will not say much about the plot in this book. Only that there is still so much to learn about everything and everyone. They all have secrets. And many of them were revealed in this fourth book. Which I truly enjoyed a whole lot. The mystery is still good and I love that there is one big case in each book. Though this case did not feel like it ended. And that has me worried. Yet so excited too. My favorite parts of this book was reading about Charlotte and Ash spending time together. So good. But I love them all so much.

A whole lot of book three focused on the romance between Charlotte and Ash. In this fourth book it was barely there. Which ruined my heart a little bit. But not too much, because there was a reason for it, which is a good reason, but still. My poor heart. Even though they are still not together, they still feel so much for each other. There are still hints of what may come. And every glance between them made me so excited. Sigh. They are perfect together. And I need so much more. Oops. They're also such great friends as well.

But gosh, now I need the next book even more. Because this book ended on such a rude cliffhanger. I must know what happens next to everyone. This fourth book did not have Inspector Treadles at all. What even. Not until the final page. And now I am beyond curious about book five. It will be so good, I know it. But waiting for it will be the worst, haha. The end of this was full of twists. Of things that are so completely complicated and has me beyond worried about what might happen next. So excited for it all, though, eee.

The Art of Theft was a completely stunning book. Filled with the same mystery and suspense as the first three. It still has the same characters whom I love beyond words. They keep growing and becoming even better and my love just keeps growing for them all too. I am fully invested in all their lives and completely worried about them all. It's the most exciting thing. I ship these almost romances so very much. They are both very complicated. But so real and so perfect. Sigh. This book was everything that I needed it to be.

Okay, fine, it did not have the romance that I do desperately needed, haha. But that is okay. Because my favorite characters are still together, still solving crimes, still speaking to each other. And still very much in love with each other, even though they do not really admit so. Sigh. Charlotte and Ash has such longing for each other that it kills me. I need a happy ending for them more than anything. Okay, I must have at least ten books with them together and happy, haha. That's not too much to ask, I hope. Fingers crossed.

If you have still not read the Lady Sherlock books then you really must get started. The Art of Theft is the fourth one. And more will be coming. I hope. I hope this series never ends. As Sherry is such an amazing writer and such a kind and sweet person. I need more of Charlotte, always. These books are a must read. It is such an amazing historical mystery series about a female Sherlock Holmes. With a whole bunch of awesome side characters whom we also get to read from pretty often. I completely love every single one.

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