
Saturday, July 13, 2019

In My Mailbox #401

This week has probably been the busiest and most exhausting week ever. And isn't over until Wednesday for me. Ahh. I'm spending all day and night with sister and her two youngest babies. I'm so so tired, haha. But it's good too. Though because of this I have not gotten anything done this week. Ugh. So far behind. I managed to read one book, so yay for that, but it took me forever, haha. Also blogged a bunch, which I'm happy about. Got the most gorgeous books in the mail this week too. Eee. So thrilled and so thankful. Still waiting on news about my laptop. It is done at service, but it have not arrived back yet. And then they will most likely tell me they won't give me a new one, so I have to argue with them, again, ugh. I'm not looking forward to it. But will do it. So anyway. My health still sucks. I got an allergic reaction on my face, not fully sure what from, and it is just burning all the time. And red and weird looking. Ugh. I'm hoping it goes away shortly. I hope you are all having the best weekend :) Please do comment if you are visiting. I pretty much never get comments these days. It's heartbreaking. But still here. Still writing my blog posts :) The newest ones this week are these. I took part in the Immunity blog tour :D Finally got to share my five star review, haha. This week I am waiting on Stargazing. <3 I shared my third review of A Conspiracy in Belgravia :D And I took part in the launch week blitz for Blastaway :) So far behind, but I'm still trying my best with it all.

Immunity. This book was so good, eee :D I loved it so. And my hardcover of it looks beyond precious.
Incarnate. Ahh! Thank you Mimi for trading with me :D Gosh. Complete collection. I am so thrilled. <3
Bid My Soul Farewell + Midnight Beauties. Oh. My gosh. Thank you so much Yara for trading with me :D I'm dying a little. SO excited to own these two. <3 And dying to read both of them, eee. So so so happy.
Kingsbane Swag. Eee! Thank you so much Whitney for this most stunning gift. <3 Oh. I love this swag.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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