
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Review: The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas

This book was every bit as perfect as I remembered it. Sigh. So thrilled that I finally got to read it again. When I read it last year I almost died with how good it was. It gave me the same feelings this second time too. Which makes me the happiest. This series is simply amazing. Just can't wait for even more of these books.

I don't know where to begin with describing my love for this third book. As I loved everything about it. The writing was perfect, as always. The historical London setting was done so well. I loved everything about the history and the clothes and just all of it. But what killed me the most was the characters. Sigh. So very good.

Every part of this book was perfect to me. The mystery was still such a mystery for me, haha. Full of suspense and danger and fear. I loved every moment of it. And the characters keep getting better and better. We learn so much more about all of them. And romance. Oh my gosh. The romance in this book. Sigh. It ruined every part of my heart. And I loved it more than anything. It's still beyond complicated. But gosh how much I ship these two. More than anything. I need them together. And I want them in the same room at all times, ha. They have such passion and tension and are just adorable together. Such history. Much of it heartbreaking, though. Sigh. But good as well. There is no drama. A bit heartbreak, yes, but nothing horrible. Which I am happy about.

I will not say too much about this book this second time. Only sharing a little of what I loved of it. Though, well, I loved it way too much, so yeah. The Hollow of Fear was everything I wanted it to be. Full of tension and mystery. The romance I had been waiting for. And such stunning characters. Okay, the romance is so bittersweet most of the time, but gosh. It is perfect. Charlotte and Lord Ingram are perfect together. Sigh. I cannot get enough of reading about them being together. Their scenes are just the very best. And so fun.

There is so much to love about this third book. The mystery is so very well written. Full of surprises and some fearful moments for the characters. It was awesome. Even though I had read the book before, I still could not wait to know what would happen next. It was so exciting. And evil. But so good. And then there was Charlotte and Lord Ingram. My god, those two. They kill me. I love them so very much. And we get to know them both a little more in this one. And it was simply the very best thing, to be honest. I adore them.

But yes. This book focus on a murder mystery. The murder of Lady Ingram, Lord Ingram's wife. Yeah. It's complicated. His estranged wife, whom have not treated him well at all. Which still breaks my heart. Sigh. As this man deserves all the best things. My poor heart. Anyway. The story takes place over a few days. With Charlotte trying to figure out who really killed her. Trying to keep Ash from going to jail. It is not easy. At all. And so very complicated. And I still loved every single moment of it. Sigh. So perfect. And so rude.

But yes. What I loved the most in this third book was the romance between Charlotte and Lord Ingram. It is complicated. But they love each other so much. Despite possibly never being able to be together. But I need them to. So badly. They are perfect for each other. Sigh. Anyway. The small romance was so good. So perfect. But the mystery was just as perfect too. So exciting and thrilling. Parts of the story ruined my heart, though. With the whole asylum part of the case. It was rude and heartbreaking but so well written.

I have mentioned time and again how I have been annoyed with Inspector Treadles. And I still am. But in this third book I also started to like him more. As he is slowly changing. At least, I hope he is. He has so many doubts about everything. Which is kind of sad to read about. I do want him to be happy. And I want him to love his wife even more than he already does. She is adorable. So yes. He was better in this book. And I hope he will continue to become even more better with each new book. I do love reading about him.

I have already written way more about this book than I was going to. But I could not stop once I started. And I still want to share all of the things. Sigh. The Hollow of Fear was perfect to me. And it has made me even more excited about the next books in this series. I need to know more about every single one. About Charlotte and Ash and Livia and her secret man too. This whole story is complicated. Full of secrets and mystery. And every part of it is exciting and so thrilling. I'm so glad that I re-read all three books right now.

Sherry has done such an amazing job with these books. I so hope that she will never stop writing about Charlotte Holmes and those close to her. Each characters is so special to me. I want to read about all of them for years to come. Crossing all my fingers that there will be tons more books coming. As Sherry is such an amazing author. And person too, as she is one of the kindest people I know. If you still have not read her books, you really must get to it. The Hollow of Fear was every kind of perfection. You will love it.

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