
Saturday, June 8, 2019

In My Mailbox #396

Eee. I'm reading more this week. And I have been walking more this week than I have for ages, ha. Not a lot, but a little. Still exhausted all the time but have managed to do some things. Still behind on everything online, but hoping to get better at that too. I have at least gotten to read more. And I'm so so happy about that. I'm currently reading an early copy of Immunity, eee. Though my review won't be posted until July :) But gosh. I'm loving it so much. Sigh. And so I have three posts to share this week. I posted my review of Pacifica :D This week I'm waiting on Tunnel of Bones :) Then I shared my second review of Contagion :D Where I gave it a star more, eee. So good. I also got some gorgeous mail this week. Sigh. Two stunning special edition books. Awesome pop figures. And the best Coraline dolls. Eee. Love them so. Waiting on some amazing books as well, and gosh, I just cannot wait to get it all. So anyway. I'm doing pretty good :)

Aurora Rising. Eee! Goldsboro edition finally arrived :D Yesss. I will be sharing on instagram later on :)
Kingsbane. Yay! My stunning Fox&Wit edition with swag :D So pretty. Will share on instagram soon too.
Pop Figures. Yess. Look at all these awesome figures. Sigh. I love them so. I finally have Nebula, eee.
Coraline Dolls. Gosh. These dolls are beyond adorable. Possible to move in all ways. So small, so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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