
Monday, June 10, 2019

Cover Reveal: The Secret Commonwealth by Philip Pullman

EEE! There is a cover. Two covers! The UK and the US released at the same time. And oh my gosh. I am so excited about this book I might die. The Secret Commonwealth is going to be perfection. Just, why is it not October 3rd yet? Hmph. I need it in my life already. Such a huge fan of the original His Dark Materials trilogy. And La Belle Sauvage was amazing too. This second book is going to be even better, I am sure of it. Eee. Lyra will be twenty years old. Gosh. I'm so excited. Okay, all I truly want is for Lyra and Will to find a way to be together again. But I fear this will never happen. Sobs. But still have hope, though. And that it will not happen when they are old. Crossing all my fingers. Either way, though, I'm going to love this book to pieces and I just cannot wait. And gosh. The covers! Ahh. I'm dying. They are SO pretty. Both of them. All of them. I love the colors. I love the train. Now I just need the story to love as well. So so very excited.

UK Cover & Details.

Lyra Silvertongue's adventures in the North are long over--the windows between the many worlds have been sealed, and her beloved Will is lost to her. She does still have the alethiometer: the truth-telling device given to her by the master of Jordan College, which guided her journey.

Lyra doesn't know the full story of the alethiometer, though. Or the role that young Malcolm Polstead played in bringing both the instrument and baby Lyra to Jordan. She's now a twenty-year-old undergraduate at St. Sophia's College. To her, Malcolm is Dr. Polstead, an overly solicitous professor she would prefer to avoid.

But intrigue is swirling around Lyra once more. Her daemon Pantalaimon is witness to a brutal murder, and the dying man entrusts them with secrets that carry echoes from their past. They learn of a city haunted by daemons, of a desert said to hold the secret of Dust.

Powerful forces are about to throw Lyra and Malcolm together once again. And the dangers they face will challenge everything they thought they knew about the world, and about themselves.

US Cover & Details.

Lyra Silvertongue's adventures in the North are long over--the windows between the many worlds have been sealed, and her beloved Will is lost to her. She does still have the alethiometer: the truth-telling device given to her by the master of Jordan College, which guided her journey.

Lyra doesn't know the full story of the alethiometer, though. Or the role that young Malcolm Polstead played in bringing both the instrument and baby Lyra to Jordan. She's now a twenty-year-old undergraduate at St. Sophia's College. To her, Malcolm is Dr. Polstead, an overly solicitous professor she would prefer to avoid.

But intrigue is swirling around Lyra once more. Her daemon Pantalaimon is witness to a brutal murder, and the dying man entrusts them with secrets that carry echoes from their past. They learn of a city haunted by daemons, of a desert said to hold the secret of Dust.

Powerful forces are about to throw Lyra and Malcolm together once again. And the dangers they face will challenge everything they thought they knew about the world, and about themselves.

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