
Saturday, April 13, 2019

In My Mailbox #388

I have had so little time this week. No time for reading, no time for laptop things or catching up. Hoping to read more this coming Easter week :) But yeah. I have been so busy. Busy spending the whole week with my sister and her three kids, my newest baby nephew, whom is one week old today. He is truly the cutest thing. Eee. And I have spent every day holding him for hours, lol. I hurt all over. My body is so not used to this. Oops. But I love it so. Family time is the best. But yes. I have had so little time for anything else this week. Sigh. I hope I will have more energy in the coming days :) Fingers crossed. And oh gosh, hoping to finally get my spa bath up again next week, eee. I want it so. Anyway. A couple of new posts this week. I shared my review of We Hunt the Flame :) This week I'm waiting on The Star Shepherd. <3 I also did not get a lot of mail, but still some gorgeous things :) Hope you are all doing well. Hopefully catching up soon.

A Gathering of Shadows. Gosh. I still have not read past book one. Must re-read it very soon. So pretty.
The Near Witch. I liked this book a bunch when it first came out, years ago. I needed this edition too :)
The Fates Divide. Paperback edition is out :D Gosh. I still have to read this second book. I will. Soonish.
Titanic Pop. Eee. My Jack have arrived, finally. Rose will get here soon. And oh, he is so very precious.

Serpent & Dove + Kingdom of Souls. I must admit that I do not know much about either of these books. Except for those gorgeous covers. Eee. When I saw them, I knew I had to have these books. And now they finally showed up on Edelweiss :D I simply can't wait to read them both. Hope they are amazing. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)