
Saturday, January 12, 2019

In My Mailbox #375

How is it already a new Saturday? Ahh. Rude. Time is moving way too fast, haha. And yet not nearly fast enough, because I need it to be late April, so I can get my spa bath back up again. Hmm. Anyway. This week have been pretty good. Though I am exhausted and feeling pretty much dead. Ugh. But I read two books, so I'm pleased with that. Starting another one tonight, so yay. And I do have lots of other reading planned for this month :) I'm excited. Also got some pretty mail this week, which I love a bunch. Newest Lord of the Rings pop figures are arriving, and they are so pretty, eee. I must do another movie re-watch shortly, haha. Some new blog posts this week too. I shared my review of Last of Her Name :D This week I'm waiting on The Last House Guest. <3 Then I shared my review of The Winter Sister :) I'm still behind on some things, but have managed to do a little catching up too. Hoping to be up for doing more soon :)

The Steel Prince Comics #3. Excited about reading them all soon. But do not have #4 pre-ordered.. sobs.
Come Find Me. Eee! Thank you so much for trading with me Kara :D Thrilled to own this. Reading soon.
Awakenings. Got this gorgeous thing for supporting a Kickstarter over a year ago :D It looks pretty good.
Dinosaur TY Plush. Look at this most adorable thing, haha. I simply had to buy it. It looks so precious :D
Pop Figures. Final Coraline :D Love. First Wreck It Ralph pop. <3 And Legolas! LotR! My most precious.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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