
Saturday, November 17, 2018

In My Mailbox #367

I don't even know where this week went. Time is moving by so fast lately. Ahh. And my reading is going down down down. Sigh. But I did read The Raven's Tale these past two days, so I am happy with that :D Yay! And have a bunch of reading planned, that I need to get done. Just need the energy and time, haha. But I will read more this coming week. I will I will will. Because I really do want to. But yeah, my health still sucks. How rude. And only managed to blog twice this week. Ack. More next week, hopefully. This week I'm waiting on The Tiger at Midnight. <3 And shared my review of The Raven's Tale :D Also got a bunch of stunning mail that I love; all pre-orders, haha. Also, the books I got this week was supposed to arrive at least two weeks ago. Hmph. Book Depository has gotten so beyond slow; it's taking over three weeks for books to arrive to me these days. Ahh. Which means I will not get new books on release date at all. Ugh. Like, Archenemies. I have only gotten the audiobook. None of my finished copies. Hmph. I'm once again sharing the link to my giveaway of Borrowed below. Only days left to enter it. And there is still only one person who has entered. What. Why? Do you guys not want this free book? o.O It looks so stunning. <3

Bridge of Clay. This book is huge. Gosh. I have only read one book by this author, but curious about this.
Lord of Shadows. Stunning new US paperback edition :D And ahh. First chapter of book three. I'm dying.
The Dark Vault. Such a gorgeous new UK paperback version of both The Unbound books. I love it tons.
Umbertouched. Finally got my stunning hardcover of this book :D Eee. Mostly excited about reading it.
Fangirl. The most gorgeous new US paperback edition :D Green pages! I love it so so very much. Sigh.
Runaways. Yesss. I can't wait to finally start reading these comics by Rainbow :D I'm all kinds of excited.
9 From the Nine Worlds. I know, forever behind on all books by Rick. Ahh. But I do own them all, haha :D
Fury. For the most part I did enjoy this final book a bunch :D This whole trilogy was so very good. Sigh.
Almost Midnight. Gorgeous paperback edition too :D So cute. Have the hardcover as well; I love both.
Archenemies. Eee, the most stunning audiobook version :D I know, I still don't listen, but I love owning.

Shadow School. Eee. I am so very excited about this book :D And gosh! It is not out until August of next year. Ahh! And already on Edelweiss! What. But I am so happy that it was :D I adore this author. And I cannot wait to read this new book by him. It sounds and looks awesome. Reading it shortly, I hope :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I am always amazed at all that you get in your mailbox. Lots of great looking books. I like Rainbow Rowell's books- but haven't read either of the two you got. Enjoy!

  2. Loved Scorpio Races. Enjoy your books, Carina! :)


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