
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Review: Pippin No Lickin' by Layne Ihde & Linda Pierce

When I got the chance to read and review this book I simply could not resist. Because it look so very adorable. I adore cats the most. And Pippin No Lickin' seemed pretty amazing. I'm glad that I gave it a chance. It ended up being a three star, as I found the rhyming in the writing to be a bit off at times. It was written well too, though.

This book tells the story about an adorable cat that does not want to clean himself. He ends up getting all kinds of dirty, with so much sticking to his fur. Everyone around him want Pippin to take a bath, but he does not want to. In the end he ends up understanding that he needs to be clean for everyone around too, not just for himself.

The story was pretty adorable. But I have read that it says this book will teach kids about selfishness and personal hygiene and such. I did not think that it was long enough for that or written well enough for it. But was such a cute story, with the most adorable cat. I loved Pippin. But it was mostly just a few pictures and not much writing. I felt it should have been a little bit longer, to be able to teach more. But I also found the book to be good, and I think it could be important for small children in a way too. Everyone should read it.

Huge thank you to the publicist, JKS Communications for the free copy of this book to read and review. While I did not love it, it was adorable. And I'm glad I read it. I also think a whole lot of little children will adore it too. Pippin No Lickin' was not perfect, but it was a short and cute story with stunning illustrations. If you have the chance to read it, you really should. The artwork is so gorgeous, and the writing was good too. It was a short and quick read picture book, and I adored it a bunch. Only wish it had been a bit more.


  1. Glad you liked this one and thought it was adorable. I do love kitties. :)

  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Carina. :)


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