
Friday, September 1, 2017

Book Collection Update

I'm sorry for taking so long to write this update. When I took a break last year because of the sun going down for a few months here, I had planned on being back to posting again in February or March this year. As I still have more collections to share about, and I loved sharing all of them last year. But then this year arrived, and I have been so sick for months now, especially since April and until now. Have barely had any energy at all. And it is now already September, which means that in just a few short months it will be dark again. I'm also still not feeling good enough, so think I will be taking a break until next year, and then start posting again. I do wish to share about all my collections. Just don't have the energy at the moment. But crossing my fingers that I will feel better in some months. You can see all my previous posts here. <3

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