
Saturday, September 2, 2017

In My Mailbox #304

Just, ugh. My week hasn't been very good at all. Health was supposed to get better, after my surgery in July. But because of other issues, I have been struggling with a huge bump this week, and it's been killing me a little. Swollen and full of pain and fever too. It's been awful. Today it finally decided to die, I hope. So hoping I'm now going to get better. Yay. So I'm a little bit behind on things this week. Aw. Just haven't had any energy left :\ But medicine this coming week, so fingers crossed they'll figure out why it isn't working anymore. This week I only read two books, but I'm okay with that, because they were both five stars. Yes. One a re-read. And they were both just so perfect. Reading more soonish. Excited. Just need my health to start being better too. Tired of always being in pain. Sigh. Also got a little bit of stunning mail this week :D Eee. I love it all so so so much. And then I blogged a bit too, yay. I shared the cover reveal for Tess of the Road :D Then posted my review of Unearthed. <3 This week I'm waiting on Ice Wolves :) And then I shared my fourth review of The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. <3 Yess. And finally posted a Book Collection Update. Been meaning to do that for ages. Aw. So yeah. Not the best week, but still good too.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer. First copies have arrived :D Yess. US Hardcover and International PB. <3
Book Sleeve. IT IS SO PRETTY. And awesome. And perfect. Thank you Becky @ Story Hero :D Yess.
Happy Hello Bookmarks. I can never resist buying these. Have over 200, ahh. They are all so gorgeous.
Renegades Swag Box. Eee! Thank you so much Whitney for trading with me :D Love. I'm so very happy.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I'm so sorry about the latest news on your health, Carina. Hopefully you are hanging in there until your upcoming appointment. :/ That is awesome that you got that Renegades package! I love it all! YAY for more of those cute bookmarks. Your collection of them is amazing. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful (better) weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. Sorry to hear you were feeling so badly! I am glad you think you might be starting to get better. Fingers crossed that you are feeling good!

    Awesome Renegades package. :)

  3. Hope you feel better, Carina. It wouldn't be fun to live with constant pain! :(

    I really want to watch Wonder Woman! Hope you love it. :)

  4. I'm sorry your health hasn't been that great Carina, I hope you feel better soon! And what a great haul! I absolutely love the hardback edition of Wonder Woman that you have, have you read it yet? And I'm obsessed with book sleeves at the minute, so will definitely be checking out where you got yours from. I hope you have a great week Carina!

  5. I love the Story Heroes! Becky was kind to send me one when she first launched and I love, love, LOVE it.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're not well, I hope you feel better very soon!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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