
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Review: The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand

This book is still so precious to me. It's been five years now since it came out and I read it for the first time. This is now the fourth time I have read it, though it had already been three years since my last read. How rude. Finally had the chance to read it again now, though. And I'm so happy that I did. Because it is perfect.

I'm thrilled that I still love this book just as much as I did all those years ago. I simply adore Claire and all her books. This first one of hers is still my favorite of them all, I think. The writing is simply amazing. Yess. And I adore the characters more than I can say. Gosh, that epilogue is still the worst. I need a sequel so so badly.

I'm not going to share too much about this stunning book. But I must write down some of the parts that I loved. If you still haven't read this very precious middle grade book, then shame on you. Because it is one of the best there is. It's so creepy and evil and heartbreaking and so perfect. This book is told from the point of view of twelve year old Victoria. Whom was all kinds of amazing to read about. She was a bit mean at times, yet she has a huge heart inside of her, and she got kinder as the book went on. She's obsessed with being the very best at school. Which she is. She wants everything to be perfect. I did love that about her. She was awesome. Okay, she was a bit rude at times, but I didn't mind. Because she's sweet too. And kind. And very brave.

Victoria doesn't have many friends, only one. And oh, how I adored Lawrence. Eee. They only have each other. And they are so cute together, though Victoria could be a bit rude at times. Yet it's obvious that she cares about him a lot and they are best friends. This book is about Lawrence going missing. And though Victoria is a bit distracted with something about her grades, she's still realizing that something isn't right with Lawrence being gone. The grownups are all acting weird. And she's noticing other kids missing too.

There is so much that I love about this book. The friendship between Victoria and Lawrence was my favorite thing. I loved how there are small hints that they are to become more than friends. It's the cutest thing. Mostly I just adored how they were together. I so wish there had been even more scenes between them. Aw. Because these two characters were the best. I adored how they cared for each other. I loved how Victoria started trying her best to find him, to save him. Some parts were so heartbreaking, though.

I'm not sure how to describe the plot of this book. It reminds me a lot of Coraline, the movie. Which I adore. But this book is even better, just so you know. Kids are going missing in this town. And no one is doing anything about it. No one even seems to notice it, except for Victoria. So she starts to investigate. And she notices The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls in her neighborhood. Which has always been there, but she's never really thought about it before or heard anyone talk about it. Which was very weird.

And oh, the plot in this book. It's just all kinds of perfect. I'm not going to mention all of it, just that this home is all kinds of creepy and horrible and it still kills me how sad some parts of it were. Like the gofers. I still can't get over that. So heartbreaking. Yet so perfectly written. Mrs. Cavendish was the very worst person there is. And her sort of partner, Mr. Alice. He was horrible too. And just, ugh. This book was so good. But so so creepy and this big house was pretty scary to read about and I loved it so. But so evil.

I'm not going to say more about this book this time. Just that you have to read it if you haven't already. I love it so, so much. Victoria and Lawrence are the very best. And this story was incredible. I love that I have read it four times now, and love it even more for each time I read it. Such a huge fan of Claire, and cannot wait to read more books by her. And re-read all her other books as well. So excited. But yeah, this one is my favorite. Stunning artwork inside too. And that cover is just gorgeous. Love this book so much.

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