
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #218

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

NO ONE EXPECTS A PRINCESS TO BE BRUTAL. And Lada Dragwlya likes it that way. Ever since she and her gentle younger brother, Radu, were wrenched from their homeland of Wallachia and abandoned by their father to be raised in the Ottoman courts, Lada has known that being ruthless is the key to survival. She and Radu are doomed to act as pawns in a vicious game, an unseen sword hovering over their every move. For the lineage that makes them special also makes them targets.

Lada despises the Ottomans and bides her time, planning her vengeance for the day when she can return to Wallachia and claim her birthright. Radu longs only for a place where he feels safe. And when they meet Mehmed, the defiant and lonely son of the sultan, who’s expected to rule a nation, Radu feels that he’s made a true friend—and Lada wonders if she’s finally found someone worthy of her passion.

But Mehmed is heir to the very empire that Lada has sworn to fight against—and that Radu now considers home. Together, Lada, Radu, and Mehmed form a toxic triangle that strains the bonds of love and loyalty to the breaking point.

From New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White comes the first book in a dark, sweeping new series in which heads will roll, bodies will be impaled . . . and hearts will be broken.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: June 28th 2016 by Delacorte Press
Pre-Order here and here

I'm nervous about this one. Yet oh so excited. I think it sounds amazing. And it looks so pretty. I hope that it will have an awesome romance that won't end badly, lol. But summary worries me a bit :D Yet it makes me the most excited too. I adore Fantasy books. And this one sounds like it will be awesome. I simply cannot wait to read it. I will hopefully be getting an ARC of it, and I can't wait to get it :D Eeek!
What are you waiting for on this dark Wednesday?


  1. Soooo excited to read this book! I thought White's Paranormalcy series was okay, but I LOVED The Chaos of Stars and Illusions of Fate. Plus, Vlad the Impaler -- cool! I hope this one is awesome. Great choice, Carina! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! SO so so so excited about this one!! Great pick Carina dear!!

  3. I'm looking forward to this one as well. I love the cover so much! My WOW

  4. wow set during the ottoman empire? this sounds amazing. I love the diversity in this setting and that we'll get to experience the ottoman and turk culture. I am nervous about this too because I hope the author did her research. This sounds fantastic. Plus it is a title from Random House and not Harper so I think the chances of me liking the book is higher XD

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  5. This one looks really good! I hope we'll both enjoy it, C. :)

  6. This book sounds so freaking good and that cover is just amazing!! So excited for this too!

  7. I'm excited for this one too! I just hope there isn't a love triangle. :P We should ask the author haha.
    Great choice, lady!


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