
Saturday, December 12, 2015

In My Mailbox #215

I have been better this week. Well, I read two books at least. So that's better than no books :) And I finished commenting on other blogs. Still behind on some things, but less now. I hope to read more this upcoming week. As this week was also a bit stressful, with hospital a few days ago too. But now done with that as well. I'm just feeling a bit sad; that I can't watch The 100 season 3 yet. That I don't have an ARC of A Gathering of Shadows; and others. Just feeling a bit left out. Sad face. And then there were the new The Winner's Curse covers. My heart is breaking the most. I cannot deal with how ugly they are, and how they don't fit the story at all. I'm heartbroken. Yet the most happy about the teaser from the book. Eeek. I need The Winner's Kiss the most. <3 Didn't blog that much, but still some posts this week, so that's good :) I re-read the amazing The Falconer. <3 This week I'm waiting on Truthwitch :) And then I read the amazing The Vanishing Throne. <3 Loved it. Since I have so little space left, and I can't get more space, there will be less mail for me. Sobs. But still pre-ordering some books. <3 But there will be less. Unless I'm able to sell more of my older books. I'm trying, but it is veeeeery slow going. Breaks my heart. But I'm trying my best to get rid of a lot of books. Fingers crossed. What did you get this week?

The Scorpio Races Design. This gorgeous totebag is designed by Evie :D I love it the very most. Sniffs.
Winter. I was not supposed to get this. I had ordered international paperbacks. Ugh. It is so annoying.
The 100. Season 2. <3 Norway don't have it on blu-ray.. ugh. It means I must buy it from Amazon too :)
Bølgen. Norwegian movie. I actually enjoyed it a lot. And I want to re-watch it sometime, so I bought it.
Into the Woods. This was cheap, so I had to buy it, lol. Despite not loving it. Hmph. Would re-watch it.
Frozen. This new Frozen book is all kinds of adorable. I just had to have it. It is oh so cute. I love it.
The Falconer. Yay for US paperback :D It is so pretty. Sigh. I love this book a lot. Awesome and gorgeous.
Gorgeous swag. Thank you so much Wendy. <3 This swag is so pretty. I love it all lots :D So gorgeous.
Funko Pop's. Bill and Sookie from True Blood :D I'm happy about these. They are pretty. Glad I got them.
Six of Crows Design. These precious cards are designed by Evie :D I love the book and these cards a lot.

The Scorpio Races Design. Oh, my love! This rug is so precious. Thank you for designing Evie :D You are the best. And this rug is the most gorgeous. Getting this and the tote bag as cards too. <3 So so pretty.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I know what you mean about when you order international books, and get an American Version. So frustrating indeed. You got a lot of different things. I hope you enjoy all of your new books, and movies...

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Love that Scorpio Race tote! Happy reading, C!

  3. Evie's shop is amazing! I love everything that I've got from her!!
    Happy reading this week and I hope it'll be a much better week next week!

    And yes, I agree with you... I HATE HATE HATE the cover redesign for The Winner's Kiss...

  4. Glad that you're feeling better, Pili! I LOVE the goodies you ordered from Evie's society6 store. And omg those Winner's Trilogy covers... so much disappointment!

    Have a fantastic weekend. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. You'll be happy to know that I've purchased The Falconer seeing how much you loved it. Not sure when I'll read it, but it's on my tbr. :D

  6. Falconer sounds good- Happy reading and have a good week.


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