
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Review: This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

Goddamn. This book was amazing. I knew it would be, but yeah. It was even better than I had hoped. The writing is all kinds of gorgeous. So stunning. And the story is perfection. The characters are all amazing to read about. I could not have loved this book more. I also couldn't stop reading when I started this.

I know, it isn't out until June next year. But once I saw it up on Edelweiss yesterday, I knew I could not wait at all. I have been wanting to read this precious for so long. I had to read it right away. And I'm so glad I did. It was just what I needed. But oh, I guess I must now wait forever for the sequel, lol. Will be hard.

I don't know how to describe this book. Just that it was different from what I had imagined. And in a good way. It was better than I had hoped, and I had hoped for perfection, as I adore the books by Victoria that I have read so far. I think this might be my favorite book by her. I can't fully decide. But either way, August is my favorite character that she has written. Because damn. He was all kinds of perfect. Shy and cute and secretive and soft and sort of innocent and just the best boy. I wanted all the best for him. Which is why my heart is all kinds of hurting right now, after that ending. I'm so worried. Yet so excited. And oh, how much I need the sequel right away. Pretty please. I know I will love it the most. Waiting will be torture.

How to even explain this book. I'm not going to talk about all of it. But I want to mention some parts. This is the story of August Flynn and Kate Harker. They are the children of the leaders for this town that is split in two. And there is so much I can say about them. But first the story. The town is split because of the monsters. The Malchai and the Corsai. Shudders. They are both so horrible. Yet also the most interesting to read about. Such brutal killers too. I loved reading every moment of this book. So much.

I'm not going to mention all the things, because that would be boring. Just know that this town was all kinds of interesting to read about. Lots of bad people, monsters and humans. A lot of this book takes place in school, which I wasn't expecting, yet I loved the most. It needed to be. And I pretty much adored it. Because I loved August and Kate oh so much. Reading about them both was the best. I loved that this book is told from both their point of views. And I loved them both just as much, probably.

August is one of the monsters. But a different kind. A Sunai. Which was all kinds of interesting and exciting to learn about. There are only three. August and Ilsa and Leo. I loved that they were sort of a family. I loved reading about Ilsa. She was incredible. So sweet. And broken. I loved her so. And Leo. Ugh. I could not stand him. But I loved reading about him even so. Getting to know what they could do, how they had to kill people, the way it was done, it was the best part of the book, I think. So awesome.

Kate is the daughter of a bad man. Yet she wants to be just like him, for a while. I loved getting to know her. I think she was an amazing person. And my heart broke getting to know about her mother too. Just. There were so many secrets. I loved getting to know them all. Her dad was so awful. I hated him. And his shadow. Damn it. Sloan was the most awful. Shudders. Yet a bit fascinating too, in a weird way. I don't know how else to say it, but I really loved Kate. I loved how fierce and kind and awesome she was.

There is no romance in this book. Victoria told me that. Yet I saw romance all the time, lol. There are no kisses. No touching hugs. So, yeah, no romance. But there is a beginning of a romance. And I ship August and Kate the very most. I think the sequel will be all kinds of awesome. Sigh. Well, I hope so. That ending was mean. Just, oh. This book made me so happy. And heartbroken. And it made me stress so much. I loved it to pieces. It could not have been better. Plot was so good and exciting. Just, perfect.

I have so much I want to say about this book. I don't know how do say it all. But I'm trying. I loved it the most. There are monsters. There are killings. And lots and lots of blood. There are some amazing moments between August and Kate that I loved reading about. Their relationship is a bit up and down, but I think they end up as awesome friends. At least, in my eyes. I loved how they got to know each other, despite how short of a time period this book takes place in. They did get to know each other.

I just. I loved August the most. Watching him struggle about being a monster was heartbreaking. And the most amazing. When this book comes out in June, you must read it. If you can read it sooner, do so. It is worth it. I promise. This Savage Song was such an epic book. I loved it to pieces. It was exciting and dangerous and heartbreaking. The story was incredible. I loved every moment of this book. And I simply cannot wait to read it again and again. I love how amazing Victoria made this perfect book. <3


  1. Ohh is this new? And how was it that you're able to read it so early!

  2. I love it when a book is awesome. I still need to read Vicious. I hear all kinds of great things. Fab review, Carina! :)

  3. Forever until the sequel sounds about right! I have this one as well, but I haven't read it yet. I LOVE that you've read it already. I trust you and Schwab so I'm sure I'll love this book as well!

    Great review, Carina! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Lovely review, Carina! I'm glad you told me there's no romance... I may have to wait until the sequel(s) are released before I give this a try. You know I need my romance. :D But August sounds sooo amazing - reminds me of Sean. :D
    So glad you loved, sweet girl!


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