
Friday, December 18, 2015

Mini Review: The Burning Hand by Jodi Meadows

Finally had the chance to read this precious novella today. And I'm glad to say that I liked it a whole lot. Sigh. I adore this world that Jodi has created. And getting to read so much about Tobiah two years before The Orphan Queen is all kinds of perfect. I love getting to know this precious boy; whom I adore so much.

I'm not sure what I can say about this short story, though. Because it is very short. Yet pretty amazing even so. I just loved getting to know Tobiah a bit more. And reading more about James as well. I love their friendship. Also got to read more about Tobiah's parents. And I just. I don't like them at all.

I'm not sure if I remember that secret in this one, though. Ack. But then I remembered a The Mirror King secret. Sobs. And now my heart is all kinds of broken again. How mean. I have decided to give The Burning Hand four stars, because while I loved it, I also had some issues with how it was written. Which makes me a bit sad. But I also do love the writing. And I adore Jodi the most. She's amazing. And these books of hers are so good. Now I'm dying for the fourth and final novella. Ack. It is going to be awesome. Because there is a villain in this stories. And he is not yet dead. And I want him dead a lot. So yeah. Very excited for the last one :D

I'm not going to say much more about this one. Just that I thought it was awesome. It is a short and quick read. And I'm so glad I finally read it. I'm also forever grateful to the fact that I have already read The Mirror King, sigh. It was such a perfect sequel. If you all haven't read these books yet, then you really must do so. Because they are awesome. And, yeah, I very much suggest reading The Orphan Queen first. Or you will be spoiled. Also, I loved a sighting in this one a lot :) It was pretty awesome.



  1. I have a hard time getting into novellas, to be honest! I prefer to have them all in a bindup form, otherwise I will not buy them individually. Sorry, authors. It's just not worth it to me, especially since novellas really don't advance the overall story? Ugh so conflicted because I LOVE this series! I know I'll enjoy these novellas but I don't like novellas in general! I'm glad this one was a short and great read, Carina. Lovely review! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I plan to binge read the whole series at some point, once The Mirror King comes out. :D I like that the author released 4 short stories like this.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, friend! <3

  3. Still haven't read this series, sadly. Glad you enjoyed it!


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