
Saturday, December 19, 2015

In My Mailbox #216

December has gone by so fast for me. I have been busy doing so many contests each day, and so far I have won nothing. Sniffs. Fingers crossed for this last week. This week started out with no reading. But then HarperTeen added books to Edelweiss. And I couldn't help myself. Got a bunch. And I read This Savage Song the next day. It was perfection. Sigh. Such a good book. I'm planning on starting My Lady Jane tomorrow, and I simply cannot wait. So happy about all these awesome books. Just wishing I could have print ARCs. Sniffs. Living in Norway sucks. Hmph. But yeah. I didn't get much mail this week, and since I have such limited space, I'm not getting that much in the future either. But still pre-ordering a few books, so getting some. <3 I'm trying to sell. It is going badly. If you live in Norway, please consider buying here :) I'm feeling so exhausted lately. But doing good. And so happy with all my eARCs. Sigh. Being auto-approved by Harper on Edelweiss is the best part of my life. So thankful for it. And always fearing they will take it away :p But anyway. A few blog posts. This week I'm waiting on And I Darken. <3 I posted my review for This Savage Song :D Eee. And then I read The Burning Hand. <3 Today's post was a bit late. As I got busy sorting a lot of my books, and finding more that I wish to sell. Took me about four hours. Ahh. I am now dead, lol. But so happy that I did it all today. What did you get this week?

Frozen Tides. I have still only read book one, but planning on reading them all next year, for sure :)
Their Fractured Light. Precious AUS version of this one :D It is so pretty. I must read it very soon. <3
Society 6 Cards. Look at these precious cards made by Evie. <3 Ahhh. They are most gorgeous. Love.
Pop Figures. Last of the Inside Out pops :D So cute. And a few Hunger Games ones too. So adorable.
Society 6 Clock. This gorgeous Tangled clock have arrived. <3 I love it. But a bit damaged. Both were.

This Savage Song. This precious books I have been dying to read. And already read it :D Eee. So good.
My Lady Jane. Reading this one next :D And I am the most excited. It sounds and looks so so amazing.
Ruined. YAY! Been dying for this one too. I adore this author. And this book sounds so good. Can't wait.
The Crown's Game. I'm unsure about this one. Ending bothered me. But it still sounds pretty amazing :D
Traitor Angels. I didn't know if I wanted this one, but then I just had to get it. I hope it will be amazing.
Girl Against the Universe. So many had read and loved this one already. I want to love it too. Hope so :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I completely forgot to add my Harper EW books to my StS. AH! I only downloaded This Savage Song and Traitor Angels. I tried to hold off until I see some reviews. read Ruined quickly please!! Love all the books you've gotten this week. My December is flying by too.

  2. Ruined sounds good. Hope that you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  3. I am so jealous of your book haul! Those ARCs on EW sounds fabulous!! I'm especially excited for My Lady Jane and Traitor Angels.
    Those post cards are so pretty! Love those Scorpio Races quotes <3

  4. I wish I can get approved over at Edelweiss. Sigh. Happy reading!

  5. I am so excited for Frozen Tides! I love the Falling Kingdoms series. My Lady Jane sounds amazing as well. I hope you enjoy all of your books :)

  6. Ohhh, that Tangled clock is fabulous.
    I also got all those books from Edelweiss, it will be fun to compare our opinions :)


  7. You are sooooo good, Carina! I got those six Harper novels, and three others (The Hunt, Queen of Hearts, The Marked Girl). I need to get a copy of Their Fractured Light! I love all of your mail. Enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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