
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Review: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand & Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows

I'm so glad I read this book today. Took me ages, but it was so worth it. I could not stop reading at all. This book was all kinds of exciting and fun and interesting and oh so beautiful. My Lady Jane was different from what I had been expecting. And in such a good way too. I had hoped to love it, and I'm so glad I did so.

I do not know how to talk about this stunning book. First there is that gorgeous cover. I cannot with it. It is so pretty. I want to own a print ARC of this one the very most. Must go look for it. But if not, I can't wait to own the finished copy next year, but not until June. Ahh. Not sure I can wait that long to own it, lol.

There is so much I adored about this book. I'm not sure where to begin. The writing is simply perfection. I don't know how to describe it. But I loved reading this book at all times. I loved how there were a few small notes from the authors included inside too. It was awesome. It is told from three different point of views, and I adored all of them. And how they fit together. And how amazing they all were. There are a lot of gorgeous characters in this book. I simply adored getting to know all of them. And read about their relationships with each other. It was so much fun. The time period this one is set in is so amazing too. Some things are historical, but other things are made up. I loved it so much. Liked the history parts a lot in this one.

The plot in this book is simply stunning. I loved every second of it. But how do I describe it.. ack. I don't feel like what I will say next are spoilers, because you can read it yourself on the Edelweiss page for this book. But yeah. There are people who can turn into animals in this book. And it was so special to read about. A bit different. And a whole lot of amazing. I loved reading about it and getting to see characters turn into cute animals. It was cute and fun. And it also made a lot of sense. There are ferrets and more.

I don't know where to begin with the characters. There is Lady Jane, whom I adored so much. She loves reading books. And she's just a really sweet person. But also so fierce and a bit mean at times. I adored her. She is being forced to marry, because her best friend and cousin, King Edward, is dying. And oh, Edward. I loved getting to know him. I loved him so much. Reading about him in pain was so painful. Sniffs. But yeah. I loved him lots. And seeing him fall for Gracie was so cute. I just adored it so much.

Jane is getting married to Gifford aka G. And aw, I loved this boy. He is the sweetest. Yet a bit dumb at times too, but I didn't blame him for that. I loved reading about them slowly falling in love. Sniffs. So cute. But also a bit annoying, and had some parts I didn't like. There was a bit of drama I didn't approve of. Sigh. But nothing bad. And no triangles. Just a sweet romance. Oh, and not to forget that G turns into a horse all day long. Ack. It was so complicated yet totally awesome too. I loved reading about it.

I'm not going to say much about the characters. Just that I adored all of them. And getting to know them all was so interesting. And I couldn't have loved them any more than I did. And I adored every one of them and wanted to know what would happen next to them all. Ack. This book was long. I wish it had been even longer. I loved the story, though I haven't said much about it. And I won't. Just know that it was interesting and I loved it. The characters were the best. The writing oh so good. An amazing book.

My Lady Jane was the most incredible story. I loved reading every page of it. The story is so exciting and a bit heartbreaking and all kinds of romantic. This book was special and unique. I'm so glad that I read and loved it. I just wish there could be a second book. Sigh. I want more of Jane and G and Edward and Gracie and the dog, Pet, who was so interesting to read about. There is kissing. I wish there had been more. But I loved what there was. This was a long book. But I really wouldn't have minded more of it.

This book was just simply amazing. Sure, I had a few issues with a few small things, but mostly I loved it a lot. I have only read books by Jodi so far, but so curious about the other two amazing authors. Must check out their books. I love that all three of these lovely ladies wrote this book. They made it amazing. I know that there will probably never be a sequel, but I want one. Or at least more books like this one by these awesome authors :) Fingers crossed. I would read it in a heartbeat. You must all read this book :)

Biggest of thank yous to Cynthia and Brodi and Jodi for writing such a clever and stunning book. I'm so glad I got to read it early. And I'm thrilled that I loved it so much. It's a favorite of mine, for sure. And thank you so much for the publisher for having auto-approved me on Edelweiss; so that I managed to download this one before it went away the day after. Means so much to me. If you have the chance to read this book early, you really should do so. It is such a different book. And oh so special. I promise.


  1. YAY!! So happy to hear you loved this one! So excited to get to read it, eventually! Must keep my fingers crossed to be approved on Edelweiss!

  2. So glad you loved this, Carina! It's one of my most anticipated of the year. I love that it features an arranged marriage, but I hope the drama doesn't bother me too much. Thank you so much for sharing, sweet friend!

  3. Great review! I'm so glad you loved this. I love these three ladies, and their books. I love that together they've written this one.

  4. LOL I love how you described G! I can't wait to "meet" him. I'll be reading this one in the following months, hopefully I love it as much as you did! :)

    Lovely review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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