
Saturday, December 26, 2015

In My Mailbox #217

Happy Holidays. <3 This have been a slow week. Didn't really get any mail this week at all. Only a card and bookplate. But also included a few other things :) But ahh. I got zero books this week. Sad face. Because no mail after Wednesday until this coming Monday. I hate waiting so long with no mail, lol. But waiting for something awesome next week, so really excited. Got no print books this week, but I did get an eARC, so sharing about that one :D I have not read a single thing this week. But yeah. It has been Christmas. And been so stressful too. I am done with the advent calendars each day, though, so that's good :D Just wish I had won more than one thing. Ugh. Fingers crossed they will email me next week, lol. Even though I got no books, and I did not read, and I'm getting really sick, and having issues sleeping, I'm feeling pretty happy. Because I'm trading two books to send out on Monday. And I have been able to sell three boxes with some books that will send on Monday too. So happy. More room. YAY. And a bit of money too, lol. So happy. I did post.. 2 blog posts this week. Ugh. Behind, again. But reading more shortly. Still reading My Lady Jane next. Just now sure when. This week I'm waiting on A Gathering of Shadows. <3 I also posted about my gorgeous Best Re-Reads of 2015 :) What did you get this week?

Holiday Card. Pretty card arrived from a good friend of mine; Elizabeth Fama. <3 She's the sweetest.
Signed Bookplate. Eeee. Thank you so much Victoria :D Got it from buying another ADSOM for me. <3
Simba Pop. This was a gift from my sister; it is so cute. Love that she got me a pop figure, lol. Love it.
Owl + Plush. Sister also got me both of these. Stunning ornament and pretty TY plush. Love them both.

The Skylighter. Eeee! I want to Edelweiss to request this book again, since I got declined a few months back. But then now it said I could download it instead. Ahhh. I don't understand how. But I have been accepted after I got declined, and it was the best thing. I'm super excited about this book. As I loved The Storyspinner. But I also don't remember much about it at all, lol, so I need to re-read it in January before I read this one. <3 I'm so excited. Have you read it yet? I hope to love it so badly :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Woooow, this is the smallest haul I think I've ever seen from you, Carina! Great swag - and yay for The Skylighter. I hope you enjoy all of new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a lovely weekend, Carina. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. YAY for being surprised approved after being rejected!! And I do hope you will be feeling better soon! *big hugs* But YAY for more space for books!

  3. I see that you got some great dolls. I love when i get rejected, then approved. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. You are such a strong person, Carina! I know it's hard when you can't sleep and feel sick, but you always seem to stay so positive and happy ♥

    Ah, yes, no-mail days are the worst! Skylighter looks awesome, I'm hoping to read the two books together very soon!

  5. Skylighter looks good, hope you enjoy your reading and have happy holidays!

  6. I was approved for the Skylighter, too! Happy Holidays to us. :D I can't wait to read it. Hopefully we both love.
    I hope you get to read more books this week, girl. <3


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