
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Best Re-Reads of 2015

This year I'm posting about my Best Books of 2015 and my Best Re-Reads of 2015. Starting with the latter, as I'm still going to read more books this year. But I'm not going to re-read more this last week of the year. I will be posting my best books in one week. <3 I needed to do a post like this, because I re-read 27 books this year. Which is a lot. Ack. But I had to re-read them all. As I love to read my favorite books again and again. It is the best feeling. And since I read so many, I really wanted to do this post, to share some love for the books that I love so much. I have decided to share 18 books this year. For this post and the next one. The first three are definitely the most favorites, but the rest might be randomly placed. Maybe. But point is, I loved all of these books so much. Sigh. I love how many books I re-read this year. I included a lot of them here, but not all of them. Though I love all of the books I re-read so much. Sigh. Do you re-read books often? And have you read or re-read any of these? Did you make a list like this one? I would love to know :D My Goodreads Challenge. My Goodreads Year in Books.

1. The Golden Compass. These books are simply the best. Stunning world and plot. I love Lyra the most.
2. The Subtle Knife. Will arrives in this one. He is simply the best. I adore reading about him and Lyra.
3. The Amber Spyglass. This will forever be the best book. But I will never ever get over that ending.

4. Cinder. I love this world the most. Cinder is all kinds of amazing. Love reading about her so much.
5. Scarlet. These books are simply perfection. Such an amazing plot. Such stunning characters. Love.
6. Cress. Getting to know all of these characters so much is truly the best. Cress is the most adorable.

7. The Scorpio Races. I read this book every year. And I will always do so. Sean and Puck are the best.
8. Fairest. I read this book twice this year. Only on this list. But it is the most amazing + heartbreaking.
9. The Falconer. I adored re-reading this one. Pretty unique and all kinds of amazing. Love everything.

10. The Map to Everywhere. This book always makes me cry. It is so gorgeous and evil. I love it most.
11. The Thickety: A Path Begins. This middle grade books is adorable. I love it so much. It's pretty dark.
12. The Thickety: The Whispering Trees. And this sequel. Sigh. I love reading it. So dark and perfect.

13. The Burning Sky. This book never fails to amaze me. Such a beautiful world and perfect characters.
14. The Perilous Sea. I adore this sequel so much. It is fun and mysterious and evil and oh so amazing.
15. The Winner's Curse. Will never tire of reading this one. It's the most stunning. And heartbreaking.

16. The School for Good and Evil. Such an awesome beginning to a stunning series. So much love for it.
17. A World Without Princes. Sigh. I loved re-reading this one. This series is just all kinds of amazing.
18. This is Not a Test. This is the best zombie book. I adore it so much. Amazing story and characters.



  1. I have only seen the movie from The golden compass and I've always told myself I want to read the books. I might have to do it next year.

    Lunar Chronicles, definitely! I also loved re-reading that series :) I MUST pick up The falconer soon, so I can read the sequel and 2016 is the year I will read Scorpio races for the first time.

  2. I looooved Sherry Thomas's Elemental series! I can't wait to read The Winner's Kiss in March. And The Vanishing Throne - hoping to read that sometime soon! I'm glad you took the time to reread these and enjoy them, Carina! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. There are so many books on this list I need to read! The Amber Spyglass is definitely one of them, because the first two were absolutely amazing. I loved The School for Good and Evil series (need to pick up the last one as well) and I’m finally going to tackle the Lunar Chronicles this holiday. Great list and happy reading in the new year! :D

  4. I must re-read His Dark Materials at some point for sure! Really happy that you've loved all your re-read so much dear!

  5. Amazing post, lady!! I love so many of these books and I absolutely need to re-read The Scorpio Races and the Lunar Chronicles at some point! Thank you for sharing these!


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