
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #25

Top Ten
Most Anticipated Releases 
For The First Half of 2016

1. Stars Above by Marissa Meyer.
Yeah, I'm the most excited about this one. And it is out in just over a month. Eeeek. Soon I shall get to read this precious book. And I cannot wait. Some short stories I have already read, but some are new. And an epilogue. Swoon.


2. The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski.
I have waited so long for this one already. It has been so painful to wait. Ack. Loved the first two books so much. And I am simply dying for this one. Can't wait to read more about Arin and Kestrel. They are such amazing characters.

3. The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater.
Been waiting so long for this final book. I want it so badly. The story is all kinds of incredible. And the characters are all so loveable. I need more of Gansey and Blue together. He better not die, though. Sniffs. I'm so worried.


4. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab.
I want this book the most. I loved book one a whole bunch. I am simply dying to read this one. I need more of Kell and Lila. And that wonderful magic. This book is going to be amazing. I'm so excited to read it in February. Soon mine.

5. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare.
I adore Cassandra Clare. And I have loved so many of her books so far. I'm dying to read Lady Midnight. So excited to read more about Julian and Emma. This book will break my heart. But I think it will fix it too. Fingers crossed.

6. The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman.
I adored Eon and Eona by Alison. This new book of hers sounds like it will be all kinds of amazing. I simply cannot wait to read it. A bit sad that there won't be any romance. But the plot sounds so amazing. I think that I will love it lots.


7. The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury.
I adore Jessica. And I think that The Forbidden Wish sounds all kinds of amazing. The story seems so good. And that cover is so beautiful. Nervous about the romance, that it won't be. But I have hope. Think I will love this.

8. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton.
This one sounds so good. And it looks so pretty. Plus I have heard so much amazing about it so far. I think I will love this book a lot. Fingers crossed. I'm trading for an ARC, and getting a hardcover too. I'm oh so excited to read it.


9. Starflight by Melissa Landers.
I adore Melissa. And I have loved her two books so far. I think Starflight sounds so interesting. I'm a bit nervous about it, yet also the most excited. I'm hoping so much that I will love it. Which I'm sure that I will. So excited.

10. Siren's Song by Mary Weber.
These books are so gorgeous. I adored book one and two in this series. And I simply cannot wait to read this final book. It is going to be amazing, I'm sure of it. I'm hoping for lots of stunning romance and more of that amazing plot.

It has been ages again since I last did a Top Ten Tuesday post. But this topic I had to do. Because I really wanted to, lol. My ten books are all coming out before May :) I'm waiting on so many books this year. So not sharing about all of them. Just some that I are really excited about :D They are sorted after which book I want the most right now, but I am super excited about all of them. There are other books that could be included, but already read a few 2016 books. So not adding those :) But yeah. I'm super excited about reading all of these books. I cannot wait to read them. Which books are on your list this week? :)

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. What a great list! I'm looking forward to many of these too!

  2. Great list! I'm so looking forward to A Gathering of Shadows and I completely forgot about Rebel of the Sands! Oops!

    My TTT

  3. I loved Goodman's Eon duology, too, so I am super pumped for The Dark Days Club. I have pre-ordered the e-book and next Thursday can't come soon enough! :D The two stories I am most looking forward to in Stars Above are the epilogue and The Mechanic (told in Kai's POV!!)

  4. Great list! I´m also looking forward to read The Dark Days Club.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  5. The Raven King and Rebel of The Sands were both on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  6. STARS ABOVE is on my list as well. I'm also super excited about STARFLIGHT. I hope we both enjoy these great-looking reads.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Great list! I am def looking forward to Winner's as well

  8. I still need to read Cassandra Clare; I've heard such amazing things about her books! Great list! Happy reading! :D

  9. Except for Siren's Song (since I haven't read the previous books) I agree with all your highly awaited books! I'm dying to get my hands on all of them!!


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