
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Review: The Last Ever After by Soman Chainani

This book. Oh, this book. How do I even begin to say what I felt about it? Words will never be enough. But I will try. First, this book is long. More than six hundred pages. And they aren't quick read pages. And oh, how I loved that. Yet this book was not long enough. I could read it forever. It was just so perfect.

Yes, this book is perfect. And it is the best ending to this trilogy. But it also broke my heart the very most. I just. Agatha is the most selfless and Good person there is. I wish I could see people love her for that. Yet it wasn't described. Grrr. She did so much in this book. And most of it broke my heart. Sad face.

Yet in this one I also grew to like Sophie. At the very end. Around the middle I hated her so much, as I couldn't believe how she was willing to steal Agatha's happiness and love. That was just.. the most Evil I know of. And she didn't apologize for it. Not once. And ugh. It just makes me a bit angry, lol. Which is why I never loved Sophie. Not once. But I did like her. And I felt sorry for her; as I do believe all she has ever wanted was to be loved. But she did so much wrong. And I can't forgive that. I just can't. Yet I love reading about her friendship with Agatha. Which is most of the time not a friendship at all, lol. Yet so interesting to read about. So special too. And getting to know some secrets was the very best. So I do like Sophie. Probably.

But I love Agatha. I love the most of all the characters. I just. She is perfection. So kind and sweet and good and heartbroken at times and she just tries her best at all times. And oh, how I adore her. I just wish I could have gotten to see even more of her. See more of people loving her too. She deserve so much. Sigh. I loved reading about how much Agatha grows in this one. And I might have wished that all of the book was from Agatha's point of view, as I never wanted to read about anyone that wasn't her.

Then there is Tedros. At the beginning, he and Agatha are alone back in her village for a few weeks. But it isn't going well. They only fight, all the time. And it broke my heart. Sniffs. Yet they do love each other. And then they go back to the Woods. And things are so different. Yet still not fixed with Agatha and Tedros. And I felt like he could have tried more. Even just a little. Yet I adore this boy. I love him so much. He's the cutest. But needs to start apologizing to his princess. Ugh. Shakes head. But I love him.

I'm not saying anything about how this book ends. Just that I loved the ending oh so much. It's perfect. Yet I'm a bit mad, because it ended way too soon. I need more. I need another book. Another storybook written that isn't about Sophie and Agatha. But someone else.. sigh. I want that so much. And now to go beg Soman to write it, lol. Yeah. I want that very much :) But anyway. The ending. It is awesome. The final battle is amazing. And scary. And heartbreaking. And written very well. So great to read about.

The characters in this one are so great. A few new ones. A lot of old ones. And reading about them all were so much fun. Yet a bit scary too, as the school has changed so much, now that Evil is in charge. Shudders. But it did make such an exciting story. Which this book was. And reading it was the best. I just adore Hester and Dot and Anadil. They are the best witch coven. The bestest friends for Agatha. I love reading about them all together. They are so much fun. Wishing they had been in this book more.

But yes. This book broke my heart the most. As Agatha makes a choice in the middle of the book. And gosh damn it. My heart can't take it. She's the sweetest, most gentle-hearted person in this series. She deserves the whole world. And so I couldn't help but cry for her in the middle of the book, since no one else did. Ugh. But it wasn't all heartbreak. But that middle part murdered my heart. And I'm still a bit upset about it. Yet the middle part also had a favorite scene of mine, so it is a little bit bittersweet.

The romance in this one. Sigh. I cannot. Agatha and Tedros are meant to be. And I adore this romance the most. Though so many issues and heartbreaks and ugh. My heart. It is breaking. Yet the fiercest love too. And such swoony kisses, yet way too little of those, and so tame, lol. But cute. The cutest. Then there is Sophie and the School Master. It is so complicated. I never liked that boyish character. Shudders. But so interesting to read about. I also sort of adored how much Hort seems to love Sophie.

I could talk about this book forever. But I won't. Just wanted to say that I loved it to pieces. Such an amazing finale. But hoping there will be more. I must have more. The fight for Good and Evil was the best. I loved this story. The Last Ever After is a fantastic final book. It is heartbreaking and exciting and one of the best books I have read. I loved it so much. Thank you, Soman, for writing this trilogy. It means so much to me. And I'm so glad to have read these books. Sniffs. Excited to read them again :)

Book Recommendation of A World Without Princes

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Yay so glad to hear this one lived up to your expectations! I have the three books and need to take a week and just binge read the entire thing all the way through. They sound fantastic---the world, the characters, the emotions and the battle, it all sounds amazing. Thanks for recommending this, Carina!

  2. So happy to hear you loved this one! When the final book in a trilogy is so good you don't want it to end!

  3. Awww yay!! The best series enders are the ones that are crazy long in number of pages and yet don't feel nearly long enough!! I have to get to this one still, and hopefully soon, and to read this glowing review makes me want to read it ASAP! I so love Agatha as well <3 I hope the story ends up the way I want it to for Agatha.


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