
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Book Recommendation: A World Without Princes by Soman Chainani

I adored re-reading this book. I had forgotten so much from the first one and from this one, so reading them again have been so much fun. But ahhh. This one. I had forgotten how much it hurt my heart. How sad it made me. But despite all that, it was perfection. I loved it oh so much. It's just such a stunning book. The writing is gorgeous. The characters are adorable yet evil at times. And the story. Sigh. The story breaks my heart. It's perfect. Oh. And also. There is the most stunning artwork in these books :D

I don't remember how I wrote my review last year. And I'm not reading it again. I might end up repeating myself, but I don't mind. I just need to share how much I love this book. And all the things I love about it. Well, I will share a lot of my love, but probably not too much, as my mind is going blank again. Right now I'm just dying to get started on the final book, The Last Ever After. I have peeked a lot on it, and I cannot wait to get started. It's going to be the best. And long. And perfection. I'm so excited to read it.

Oh, how I adore this book. Getting to read more about Agatha is so amazing. I adore her more than ever. She was so alone in book one, but she is stronger in this one. She has more friends. She is a princess on the inside now, and it is so fun to read about. Despite the School being damaged. Agatha is amazing. And I love her so much. She is kind and forgiving and brave and strong and fun and cute. Hih, I just love her so much. She's the best character. I just wish people would treat her better soon, hmph.

Then there is her best friend, Sophie. It has been nine months since they left the school, since they started their Ever After back in their village. Sophie is better, more back to her old self, and not a witch anymore. But Agatha is missing her prince. Sniffs. But anyway. Sophie. I keep disliking her, sniffs. She keeps lying to Agatha. Which hurts her. I liked Sophie more when she was a boy. And even then she lied and even tried to steal Agatha's boy. I'm not pleased with her at all. She must get better. She just must.

I won't say more about Sophie. Just that I don't really like her. But I still want her and Agatha to be friends, as I do think they could be good together. As long as Agatha has her prince too. Which reminds me. I love Tedros to pieces. But he always doubts Agatha. And it hurts my heart so damn much. I mean, he would have killed her in book one. In this one he broke her heart. Again. He better make it alright. But we also get to know him better. Gosh, how I love him. His heart is pure, I think. I need more of him.

There is so much I love about this book. The School is amazing. This time there is no Good and Evil. This time it is Girls and Boys. And there is a new Dean. And she seems all kinds of crazy. And everything is going wrong in these woods right now and I loved it to pieces. Ugh. It was so amazing to read about. So much fun. So much heartbreak. Too little romance, though. I need more of Agatha and Tedros. I need lots and lots of kissing. Pretty please. They make the cutest couple. Please just let me see them in love.

I love their friends in these books. Dot. Hester. Anadil. They are all so unique and special and getting to know them more is so much fun. They are great friends. A bit weird at times. And just so adorable. There is this other boy, Hort. I just. I cannot with him. He seems so pathetic. Yet I can't help but feel sorry for him too. He just wants to have friends. And he doesn't get that. Which just seems so mean. Sigh. But at the same time I did not like him, lol. There are other characters too. And I liked them all.

There is so much more to say. But I won't say more. Just that this book is amazing. A World Without Princes is full of excitement. It is heartbreaking and fun at the same time. This book made my heart race. It made my heart fall. I could not have loved it any more. Just so glad that I finally decided to re-read it. I know I will re-read these books again, probably once a year. Because they are perfection. And so good. And yeah. I love them too much. Also, Soman is awesome too. He's an amazing person :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you enjoyed. This doesn't seem like something I would normally pick up, but might just do so


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