
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cress Tuesday #94

There are some awesome news that I must share. Short stories book coming! Stars Above. <3 Yaaay!
I adore sharing these Cress Tuesday teasers every Tuesday. I love finding new teasers to share. It's all kinds of fun. I shall be sharing these until November, when Winter comes out, most likely :) As you know, I adore Marissa Meyer. She is all kinds of amazing. She's so kind and sweet. And she writes such perfect books. I have loved all her books and short stories so far. I'm dying to read Winter. <3 See the very gorgeous cover reveal for it here. I'm also dying to read her upcoming book, Heartless, which will be out next February. Oh. I cannot wait. I haven't been brave enough to re-read Cinder, Scarlet & Cress just yet, but I shall be doing so soon. As I love these books oh so much. They are the bestest. I hope you have all read these books by now. And if not, you really should. I hope you are all enjoying these small and awesome teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


Iko blew kisses and waved--a fluttery, five-fingered wave--as the podship coasted off 

the road and merged with the morning traffic. It was not a far walk to the warehouse, 
but she could feel her internal processor humming with excitement the whole way.


This teaser isn't very big. But a small peek at Iko :D Whom I love.
I don't share much about her, but she is a big favorite character of mine.

Huge thank you to Marissa Meyer and Macmillan Kids for letting me share these gorgeous Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. <3 They are the bestest. Thank you so much. I hope you are all loving the teasers :D I know that I am loving finding them and sharing them with you all. If you haven’t yet read Cress, I hope these teasers are making you more excited about it. <3 I’m sharing all these teasers from my stunning hardcover of Cress. Well, from one of my copies. I might be owning a whole bunch of them :D


  1. I so totally adoooore Iko! I'm now re-reading Cinder and I so love her and her adoration/fascination with Prince Kai! ;)

  2. Awww I do so love Iko! I want her to have her own love interest haha. I hope she meets a hot robot. :D


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