
Saturday, March 28, 2015

In My Mailbox #178

I was planning on reading more this week. That didn't happen. Hmph. But I did read two books, and I'm happy with that. Plus, I'm going to start re-reading His Dark Materials today :D And I cannot wait. It will be so awesome. Sigh. These books are the best. I was on my third Tromsø trip yesterday, to get my x-ray. Glad to have it done. Though it will take about two weeks to get the results, sigh. Then I must wait for surgery. I don't want to wait more, so tired of being in a shitty mood and being sick. Hoping the time will go fast. Other than that I have had a good week; got some awesome mail; lots of pre-orders only :) Didn't have many blog posts this week, though. Ack. But four isn't that little. Maybe? Anyway. I read The Uninvited. <3 Which I really, really loved. Then I shared another Cress Tuesday. And I read The Jumbies, which I didn't like. I'm waiting on Daughter of Dusk this week :D Still waiting on some mail that I'm really excited about. Soon, hopefully. <3 Also, I want more lego as well. What did you get this week?

Shadow Scale. Another gorgeous edition that I didn't own yet; UK hardcover. <3 It is so big. Ack. And so damn gorgeous. Was to get a paperback.. instead got another US hardcover :( I now have 3. Ack.
The Walls Around Us. I really loved this book many months ago. And it is so damn pretty. I love it :D
The Fault in Our Stars. I supported this thing back in December to get this book :) It is pretty gorgeous.
Big Hero 6. I must have all the books that involves this gorgeous movie. <3 This manga is awesome.
Unremembered Poster. Eeek! Thank you so much Jessica. <3 This poster is all kinds of gorgeous. Love.

Frozen. This poster collection thingy is all kinds of gorgeous. The posters are so pretty. I needed it :)
Frost. Oh! And I got this Norwegian edition of the Frozen songs. Ack. I just really wanted to own it.
The Hobbit. Yay for getting more lego :D I want all of it. But expensive. But buying it all soooonish.
HTTYD 2 + Divergent. You know.. I need to own all the movies on DVD, though I never watch those.
Thor. I have always wanted to own my very own small Thor. So I had to buy him, hih. He's so pretty.
Baymax. Yay for making my Big Hero 6 collection grow bigger :D He is pretty adorable. I love Baymax.
Bukowski. I need all the plushes from this brand. He is so cute! He also have wings. Oh. I love him.
Hair Flowers. Okay, I should probably not share about this, but it was so gorgeous :D And I love it so.

Witch Hunter. Big thank you to Orchard Books (UK publisher) for accepting my request on Netgalley to read and review this book. <3 I shall be reading it soonish, I think :D As I'm pretty excited about it.
Fish. This fish is all kinds of gorgeous. And expensive. Figured I needed some "pretty" decorations :)
Skull. This skull was pretty awesome too, and I have wanted it for a long time. So I just had to buy it :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

Giveaways happening on my blog right now:
Hardcover of Blue Birds by Caroline Starr Rose. US. Ends 04/01.
Two hardcovers of Shadow Scale. US/Canada. Ends 04/02.


  1. YAY for preorders arriving! It's always an awesome feeling when they do!
    I do hope you'll get your surgery soon and will start feeling better sweetie!

    Love that skull decoration btw!!

  2. I always love when the pre-orders finally come. Hopefully your surgery goes well and you will be feeling better soon.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Omg, I love the edition of The fault in our stars, is gorgeous!
    I want to read The world around us.

  4. Gorgeous finished copy of The Walls Around Us. I need to get one of those! :D Aw, I love Baymax! :D

  5. Ohhhh, I might have to hunt down a copy of those Frozen poster collection :D

  6. I hope you love The Witch Hunter! I found it to be a fast read and really liked it. I'm so sorry you are having to wait for surgery. Ugh, that's got to be awful. I hope time passes very quickly and then you feel much better. I love your haul. YAY LEGO.

  7. The Walls Around Us has such a pretty cover Carina. I still need to pick up a book by Nova yet, so seeing how much you liked this book of hers I may consider giving it a go soon. I'm sorry your health hasn't been that great lately, I hope things get better for you soon *hugs*

  8. I've never seen that green copy of The Fault in Our Stars! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a lovely week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


    I've also got The Witch Hunter and I'll be reading it soon! I've heard such amazing things about i so I hope we both love it (:

    My Stacking the Shelves + Montly Recap here.

    - Nova @ Out of Time

  10. The Walls around Us looks like it will be a good one. hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  11. Wow, look at all the amazing haul xD The cover of The Walls Around Us looks amazing. Hope you enjoy them all.
    <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  12. I'm very curious to see what you think of The Witch Hunter! I was very disappointed. :( It's not a bad book, but not terribly exciting either. :/ But I hope you have better luck!

  13. I'm OBSESSED with that UK hardcover of Shadow Scale! I love that it doesn't have the border and the dragon is so big! I kind of want just to order that one for myself, even though it really won't match my copy of Seraphina (which I haven't even read yet... Oops.)

    I hope you're having a great week and feeling better Carina!


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