
Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

Even if I talked forever, I would never be able to share all of my love for this book. Because oh. I love these books by Philip Pullman so much. They mean the world to me. I might love Will the most, and he isn't in this book, but I still love this book so extremely much. Mostly because of Lyra. Whom I love so much.

This is my third time reading this book. And I'm never going to stop loving it. It is so special to me. It's one of the best books. This trilogy means so much to me. If you all haven't read and loved these books yet I'm very disappointed in you. Hmph. Do it. Because these books have the best characters. And best story.

As I have already written two long reviews of this book already, I won't be talking about all the things this third time. Because I will most likely just repeat myself, hah. But I do want to share some things. Like how much I love this book. And how, even though I re-read them in August, I could not wait any longer to read them a third time. Because Lyra and Will are always in my heart and thoughts. I doubt I will ever stop thinking about them. Sigh. Anyway. This time I'm reading the very special Folio Society editions of the trilogy. They are expensive. And the most gorgeous. The books are huge. And there is the most gorgeous illustrations outside and inside. Not as many as I would have liked, but still gorgeous drawings. Sigh. I loved them.

The Golden Compass is such a special book. And I cannot even begin to talk about all the things that happen in it. Because there is so much going on at all times. It is the story of eleven year old Lyra. Whom I adored from the very beginning. Though she do a lot of growing in this book, from a wild child to more honest and brave and strong and older. She is just. Lyra is the most amazing little girl. And I love her fiercely. I really loved getting to know her in this book. And we do get to know her. So, so much.

This is an epic fantasy book. And I love that to pieces. It is set in a world a bit different than ours, with every human having a dæmon. And I shall not describe all of that. Just. I want my own dæmon. My own little piece of my soul and heart. It sounds so amazing and adorable and just the bestest thing. And I love how Philip has created this book. How special it all is. How everything makes sense, despite it also being so different. And just. Yeah. I really love this book. I love every single thing about it. It's the best.

There is also these very awesome panserbjørne in this book. Armoured bears. Like Iorek. Whom I love so much. He's just all kinds of amazing and I loved reading about him and Lyra becoming friends so much. Sigh. This book is so special. There are witches. And I pretty much adore those too. Then there are all the bad people, who do such awful things. Like the Gobblers. Shudders. I cried so much when reading about the boy with the fish. Sobs. Still the most heartbreaking scene in this book. So sad.

I'm not going to say much more about this book. Just that it feels so long to read, yet not long enough. And every moment is exciting. Every moment of this book is amazing. Every moment is worth re-reading a whole bunch of times. Because the writing is so beautiful. The characters are stunning. The story is so exciting and interesting. There is so much happening. And everything is fantastic to read about. I couldn't have loved this book more. Okay, I love the next ones more, but this one is amazing.

I would also like to mention that I really adore the author, Philip Pullman. He is so kind and awesome. He have answered some of my twitter questions, which means the world to me. And then I sent him a letter back in September, which he responded to a month ago, and it meant the world to me. It is still the most precious thing I own. He answered some of my questions so amazingly. Sigh. Yeah. He is awesome. And I love his books so much. Now I'm dying for him to finish writing The Book of Dust :D Soon, I hope.

My collection of all things Philip Pullman, so far. <3


  1. I absolutely ADOOOORED this trilogy and I must re-read it very soon! Because I love it and even if I'm not sure if I can handle reading the last book because it killed me the last time...

    Thank you so much for this post, it really makes me want to read the book again, sweetie!

  2. Holy crap that is quite the collection!

    I read this series when I was about 13 and it had such a profound impact on me. To this day it remains one of my favourites - exquisitely written, heartbreaking, extremely critical, scientific, larger than life characters, a profound look at human nature.

    (I also loved his Sally Lockhart series. Have you read those?)

  3. You have quite the collection of his books. Ive never read anything by him, but I definitely want to check him out now. thanks for sharing


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