
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #180

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

DAUGHTER OF DUSK (Midnight Thief #2) 

Goodreads Description:

After learning the truth about her bloodlines, Kyra can’t help but feel like a monster.

Though she’s formed a tentative alliance with the Palace, Kyra must keep her identity a secret or risk being hunted like the rest of her Demon Rider kin. Tristam and the imprisoned assassin James are among the few who know about her heritage, but when Tristam reveals a heartbreaking secret of his own, Kyra’s not sure she can trust him. And with James’s fate in the hands of the palace, Kyra fears that he will give her away to save himself.

As tensions rise within Forge's Council, and vicious Demon Rider attacks continue in surrounding villages, Kyra knows she must do something to save her city. But she walks a dangerous line between opposing armies: will she be able to use her link to the Demon Riders for good, or will her Makvani blood prove to be deadly?

In this spellbinding sequel to Midnight Thief, Kyra and Tristam face their biggest battle yet as they grapple with changing allegiances, shocking deceit, and vengeful opponents.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: August 4th 2015 by Disney Hyperion
Pre-Order here and here.

I am so excited about this book :D I really enjoyed book one, Midnight Thief. <3 And I think Daughter of Dusk sounds all kinds of amazing. And the cover is so pretty :D I love love love it. Cannot wait to own this book in a few months. <3 I just.. I hope there won't be too much relationship drama, as I can't stand drama like that in books! There will probably be some, as most book these days do :( But, I'm crossing my fingers that there won't be, since I don't know. <3 I just. I really liked the romance in book one, though there was way too little, so I'm hoping there will be more amazing romance in this one :)
What are you waiting for on this spellbinding Wednesday?


  1. Looks like it will be a good one. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  2. I requested this one on NG, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! And I agree with you, I do hope we won't get too much relationship drama!
    Great pick sweetie!

  3. Your enthusiasm and excitement is obvious in this post. I hope you get to read it soon!

  4. This sequel sounds epic Carina, I hope this book ends up living up to your expectations and that there's not a lot of drama going on! Great pick! :)

  5. Okay, I have to read the first book! You convinced me. :)

  6. I actually beta-read this one last year, it was pretty good. The ARC version is much more updated. I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. I have heard good things about the first book and the cover of the second book is awesome. Love the colors! :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. Ooh, yeah! I'm excited for this one! I bet there will be more romance--I'm hoping so, at least! :D Great pick, Carina!

  9. Ah, I can't wait to read this one, I really like the first one :) Great pick!

  10. So excited about this book, really hope my NG request gets accepted. :)

  11. Great pick, girl! That cover is so pretty. <3 I still need to read Midnight Thief tho! Hopefully I'll get to read them back to back. :)


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