
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Review: The Young Elites by Marie Lu

It feels like I have waited forever for this book. And now I have finally gotten to read it. I always knew I was going to love it, but I was nervous about starting it as well. It was different from what I was expecting. Which was all kinds of awesome. I ended up really loving this book. Which just makes me really happy.

But oh. I'm not sure about my feelings for The Young Elites. I really loved this book. But a few things bothered me. Yet I didn't hate it. Not at all. Which is why this book is a five star for me. Because I loved it. And I didn't want it to end. The writing is stunning. The story is all kinds of amazing. Just really good.

But then there is that ending. It is so evil. And happened in a surprising and cruel way. I knew it was coming, but not how it happened. And just. That was mean. Yet written pretty awesome too. But yeah. There are hints about what may happen. And it better happen. It better. Otherwise I might end up being very sad for a very long time. Which is just all kinds of depressing. Anyway. The ending. It is evil. Yet fitting too, in a way. It made sense. Probably. Or not. It hurt my heart, anyway. But I have hope. I just. I wish Adelina had been more trusting. And told people the truth. I hated how she lied all the time. I'm not pleased with that. And then she thought the worst right away as well. I don't blame someone for not trusting her. As she was a bit dark and not in control of herself. She made so many bad decisions that I did not like.

Yet. Yet I really did love Adelina. She is an awesome character. And oh so broken. I love to have my favorite characters to be broken. And I just loved reading about her past, and how kind of awful it was. It could have been worse, but yeah. It was bad enough. And though she is broken she is also strong. And I adored reading about her. But at the same time, she does some awful things to people. And I'm not sure I like her all that much, lol. I both love and hate her. Either way, she is an awesome main character.

There are a whole bunch of characters in this book. Some I really hated. Like Teren. I'm not sure about him. I will never like him, but he is an interesting character to read about. But yeah. A person that I will not ever like. Sigh. Then there is Enzo. Whom is the love interest. And there is just so little romance. Sad face. But what is in the book is pretty awesome. Anyway. Enzo is an amazing character. I adored him. A bit scary. And his powers. Sigh. All kinds of awesome. Yeah. I really loved Enzo. My favorite.

Then there is Raffaele. I thought he might end up being a love interest, making it a triangle. But Marie told me no love triangles in these books. But yeah. I worried. Because he is the most beautiful. And he makes Adelina feel things. Hmph. But there is nothing there. Just a cute friendship. Sort of. There is no romance or lust just some feelings. Which made me happy. Yet. I ended up really loving Raffaele. And I want all the best for him. But yeah, I do not want him with Adelina. Not ever, lol. He's amazing, though.

There are too many characters for me to mention. Just know that I enjoyed reading about them all. Adelina also has a sister. Whom I really enjoyed reading about. Couldn't decide if I was supposed to hate her or love her. But yeah. I grew to love her. As she is a pretty amazing character too. And I cannot wait to get to know her more as well. Sigh. I just felt like this book was way too short. I want to know more. I need more. About all the characters. About the evil ending. About the amazing plot. I need it all.

I could say so much about the story in this book. But I shall not. Just a few small things. It is all kinds of perfect. It is different and so so good. I loved the world it is set in. I loved the different things. I just loved all of it. I loved reading about the damaged young people. About the Young Elites as well. It was all so so interesting and I just need to know more. I do. I am seriously dying to read book two. Hoping the next year will move fast. I won't say more about this plot. Just that I loved it to pieces and I need more.

There are so many things I loved about The Young Elites. The writing is stunning. The characters are broken and dark. The plot is exciting and surprising and scary at times. This book is just all kinds of amazing. And I'm so glad that I finally got to read it. I need you all to read this book as well. Because it is different and just so good. I loved reading about Adelina. Though she is so dark inside. I just hope she's able to change. Sigh. Yet I love her darkness as well. Though, maybe a little less of it, hih. <3


  1. Carina! I'm so happy you loved The Young Elites! It is on my TBR for next month so i am super anxious and excited to read it. I'm glad you loved the story and all the characters even though they were flawed :)

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. I cannot wait to read this book! I'm hoping I'll be able to read it next week. :) I'm stoked that you loved it!

  3. Ooh, good! I always have to check the ratings on your reviews before I start reading so I know if it's going to make me sad or not. :) This is a happy one. I'm seriously excited to read this. It sounds so goooood.

  4. I'm dying to read this book, and I'm glad you liked it! The plot sounds so good and the characters sound all kinds of amazing. I hope I get to read it soon! :)

  5. So glad you basically liked this. Me too. I was pretty amazed by it.

  6. I'm so happy this one didn't disappoint you, C! Lauren and I planned on buddy reading it, but I'm not sure when I'll have time now haha. I'm nervous to read it because I don't want a love triangle to pop up in the second book (I know how this thing ends, so I want to say there won't be one... but who knows).
    Enzo sounds amazing! And of course Adelina intrigues me.
    Lovely review, lady!

  7. Hi Carina! First and foremost, I'm so glad that you loved this!! Ahhhh!! I love Marie Lu. <3 I'm excited to experience her stunning writing again. I'm sure I will love it.

    Precious @ Fragments of Life

  8. Heh, now you see why I wouldn't answer any questions about that ending, eh? It was such a surprise, but one I really admire her going for. I'm SO curious about what will happen in book two, though! I'm glad you loved it overall.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  9. I'm so curious about this book! I need to read it soon. Thanks for saying there's no love triangle.

  10. YAY for no love triangle!
    I wasn't entirely sure I'd like this one but after your review, I really feel I need to read this one. Thanks for a great review Carina sweetie!


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